the highlights of Emmanuel Macron’s speech

2023-09-25 18:01:00

Achieve carbon neutrality in 2050. This is the objective of the government, which also intends, before that, to achieve a 55% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990. To achieve this , Emmanuel Macron presented, this Monday, September 25, the country’s ecological planning, thus concluding an Ecological Planning Council bringing together Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne and the ministers concerned.

Ecological planning: Emmanuel Macron expected at the turning point

A 5% reduction in emissions per year from 2022 to 2030

« The plan decided on Monday includes several dozen actions. It will be supplemented by a biodiversity strategy presented in October and an adaptation plan presented in December », began Emmanuel Macron, recalling that “ Over the last five years, we have reduced our CO2 emissions twice as fast », than in the previous five years, i.e. a reduction of 2% per year between 2017 and 2022.

From now on, it will be necessary “ go 2.5 times faster over the next five years “, from 2022 to 2030, reduce these emissions by 5% per year, he further clarified.

Exit coal by January 1, 2027

« It is a sovereign ecology and our sovereignty is strengthened by decarbonization », Explained Emmanuel Macron. The head of state clarified that “ this strategy will allow us to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. We will go from 70% fossil fuels to 40% by 2030 thanks to this strategy ».

« With a fundamental objective which is the exit from coal. The priority is under this mandate, that is to say by January 1, 2027, to be completely out of coal for the production of our energy “, he assured.

This declaration confirms the remarks made the day before by the Head of State, at the microphone of France 2 and TF1. He then announced that the last two Cordemais and Saint-Avold power stations will be converted to biomass.

End of coal-fired power plants in France in 2027: Emmanuel Macron recycles a broken promise

The president had, however, neglected to remind the French that he was recycling, here, a previous unfulfilled campaign promise… Indeed, during his first campaign in the 2017 presidential election, Emmanuel Macron committed to closing the last coal-fired power plants in France by 2022, which was then included in the Energy and Climate law, passed in September 2019. But the two coal-fired power plants still remain active in France in the event of a peak electrical demand.

700 million euros to build 13 metropolitan RERs

In addition to coal, the President of the Republic also addressed the issue of transport this Monday. “ A year ago, we launched the ambition to develop metropolitan RERshe recalled. A project which represents 10 billion euros. Our objective has been exceeded, we have selected 13 projects. On these metropolitan RERs, we are committing today 700 million euros from the State to develop these projects ».

Transport: the State is working hard to put the metropolitan RERs on track

Leasing at 100 euros for electric vehicles available from November

On automobiles, the Head of State placed emphasis on electric vehicles, highlighting in particular the development of electric battery production sites, “ ce which will allow us to be an exporter of batteries by 2027 ». « We continue to increase investment in this area “, he asserted.

« We want an accessible and fair ecology that leaves no one without a solutionhe added. From November, we will be able to reveal this leasing system at 100 euros [qui concernera] for the first models of electric vehicles a few dozen models in 2024. We want a fair, well-targeted window that allows access to vehicles produced in Europe so as not to contradict our industrial policy ».

One million heat pumps by the end of the five-year term

Concerning housing, the tenant of the Elysée announced plans the production of one million heat pumps per year by the end of the five-year term.

« We have decided, because we are a major gas boiler producing nation, to be more on an incentive policy and to develop a heat pump production sector and to triple the production of the latter by to 2027 and produce 1 million on our territory and train 30,000 installers to meet our emissions reduction figures and develop all these sectors “, he detailed.

Already on Sunday, Emmanuel Macron announced that, contrary to what was previously envisaged, gas boilers would not be banned, “because we cannot leave our compatriots, particularly in the most rural areas, without a solution”specifying that the production of heat pumps would be multiplied by three.

Heat pumps: how the government wants to create a major French sector

A cover of the “ control of the price of our electricity »

Still on energy, the head of state promised to announce in October a resumption of the “ control of the price of our electricity ” so that she is ” sustainable for both our businesses and our households », in a context of inflation and still high energy prices.

While a battle of numbers pits the renationalized company EDF and the State over the future regulation of electricity, he said he wants prices that are “ compatible » with the requirements of “ competitiveness » and which give “ visibility for both households and our industrialists ».

As a reminder, the State shareholder and EDF have been trying for several months to agree on the new regulatory framework supposed to take over from the Arenh, a mechanism which obliges EDF to sell part of its electricity at low prices to its alternative supplier competitors until December 31, 2025. Between the State and the CEO of the renationalized company, Luc Rémont, appointed 10 months ago, two visions clash on the method. The State wants electricity prices to be as close as possible to production costs, in order to protect the purchasing power of consumers and to promote the competitiveness of businesses in a context of reindustrialization, a priority of the ‘executive. For its part, EDF, a company burdened with record debt (65 billion euros in 2022), claims the right to be able to set its prices more freely thanks to medium and long-term offers formed on the markets with large customers, industrial or alternative energy suppliers.

The company is in fact pleading for a new framework which would allow it to better exploit its nuclear production and finance its colossal investments (25 billion euros per year) in its current and future nuclear fleet and renewable energies.

Nuclear prices: the race once morest time for EDF and the French state

We will not leave farmers without a solution

Emmanuel Macron also took advantage of this speech to address a word to farmers, ensuring that there is « and work to be done to support our farmers ». « We will reduce our dependence by 30%, but we will never leave any farmer without a solution “, he insisted, also recalling “ investments in research and support ensuring that there is no difference between European countries ».

Macron defends nuclear power and the carbon tax at the borders

« It’s an ecology that we carry all over the world », concluded the Head of State who praised the fact that France is “ the first country to have a national strategy that corresponds to what we carry internationally ».

“It is all of these points which structure this French-style ecology which knows how to reconcile climate ambition with more sovereignty, an industrial strategy, more job creation”, he summarized.

Wind turbines, photovoltaics, hydrogen… These sectors must be built from scratch, or almost

The president did not fail to point out the criticism of certain political parties with regard to nuclear power, highlighting, according to him, the consensus of scientists on the need to conserve this energy to succeed in the ecological transition. Likewise, ” there is no fair policy without a carbon tax at the borders “, he said, while tackling Nupes, who refused to participate in the Ecological Planning Council this Monday.

The carbon tax at borders: the weapon that might turn once morest European industry

As for the financing of this planning, Emmanuel Macron wants “ a state-funded ecology », repeating that 33 billion euros were invested in 2023 and that “ we will increase to 40 billion euros in 2024 ».