S-Link instead of subway | SN.at

2023-09-25 14:09:30

Reaction of the S-Link project company to the letter to the editor from Dr. Golth in the Salzburger Nachrichten from September 21, 2023:

All plans and documents submitted by the project company for the approval of the local railway extension have been published by the authority. They will be available at the citizen service in Mirabell Palace until October 30th. Objections are possible for the letter writer and all other people within this period. Independent experts from the authority must then examine and evaluate these in the process. In principle, the letter writer wrongly assumes that a subway system is to be built in Salzburg. This is incorrect and is clear from the documents submitted. The local railway will be extended through the city from the local train station, which was built underground in the 1990s. The report on the project company’s recommendation for the extension of the local railway is below www.s-link.at/buergerservice visible to everyone for over a year.

Albert Greinmeister, project manager S-LINK

Accessed on September 25, 2023 at 04:21

#SLink #subway #SN.at

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