Almonds and Weight Loss: New Study Confirms Their Surprising Benefits

2023-09-25 11:08:52

Weight loss diets and nuts have long been considered incompatible. They are highly nutrient-dense foods, very rich in protein and full of healthy benefits. However, they are also caloric and abundant in fat, which places them outside of low-calorie diets. A new study by the University of South Australia now settles the controversy, corroborating that consume almonds and lose weight at the same time.

A large study has shown that, even in the context of an energy-restricted diet, including a serving of almonds not only helps you lose weight, but improves your cardiometabolic health. After examining the effects of supplementation with both nuts and carbohydrate-rich snacks, Australian researchers – a country in which two out of three adults are overweight or obese, figures not far from those of Spain – determined that weight loss achieved was seven kilos on average per participant.

Almonds, an ancient fruit cultivated in Spain, are rich in unsaturated fats -anti-inflammatory and protective once morest cholesterol -, dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium and vitamin E. Instead they are low in sugars, saturated fats and sodium. Almond consumption can improve intermediate cardiovascular risk factors, such as low-density lipoproteins (LDL, the ‘bad cholesterol’), apolipoprotein B (apo-B), blood pressure and adiposity.

[Guía definitiva sobre las grasas: verdades y mentiras de un nutriente demonizado]

Phosphorus deserves special mention, of which it contains 460 milligrams per 100 grams, double that of some species of oily fish. According to Spanish Foundation for Nutrition (FEN)“a ration of 25 g shelled almonds contributes 18% of the recommended daily intakes” of this mineral. As for vitamins, the FEN emphasizes, almonds are a source of vitamin E, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin and folates. “A serving of 25 g of shelled almonds provides 42% of the recommended daily intakes of vitamin E,” he points out.

“Walnuts and almonds are a great snack. They are rich in protein and fiber, and are loaded with vitamins and minerals,” explains researcher Sharayah Carter. “But they also contain high amounts of fat, which is associated with weight gain.” According to the specialist, observation confirms that they can be consumed for benefit cardiovascular health and maintain a healthy weight. “They contain unsaturated fats, the so-called ‘good fats’, which improve cholesterol levels, reduce inflammation and take care of the heart.”

As Carter details, the trial focused on examining the effects of almond supplementation of a weight loss diet to identify possible effects on weight and cardiometabolic response. “Both the groups that took almonds and those that did not achieved a weight loss equivalent to regarding 9.3% of body mass,” she says. “However, those who took the nuts showed statistically significant changes in arterial high-risk lipoprotein fractionswhich can lead to better long-term cardiovascular health.

Regarding weight loss, the researcher points to the satiating effect which is ultimately associated with lower food intake. “Nuts have the added benefit of making you feel fuller for longer, which is always a plus when you’re trying to lose weight,” she concludes.

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