Blog Economie Numérique – GDPR Washing: when companies misrepresent GDPR compliance

2023-09-25 06:30:30

Compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has become a critical issue for businesses in the digital age. GDPR aims to safeguard the privacy of European citizens by regulating how companies handle their personal data. However, a concerning phenomenon is gaining momentum: “GDPR Washing.” Indeed, companies claim to be GDPR-compliant when, in reality, they are not at all; it’s a façade of compliance.

GDPR Washing: a risky practice

In practice, GDPR Washing involves prominently displaying GDPR compliance on company websites through declarations, logos, and assertions, all aimed at reassuring customers and partners. However, behind this façade often lies a different reality: non-compliant practices that expose these companies to significant legal risks.

By engaging in GDPR Washingcompanies expose themselves to a series of major risks:

Misleading risk: When a company falsely claims GDPR compliance, it can be accused of misleading . This deception can result in severe financial penalties, reaching several hundred thousand euros in fines.

Deception risk: GDPR Washing can also be seen as a form of deception towards customers and partners. In such cases, the consequences may include contract termination, reimbursement obligations, and payment of damages.

Unfair competition risk: By falsely portraying themselves as more GDPR-compliant than their competitors, companies may engage in unfair competition. The legal consequences of this practice can also involve substantial damages, potentially amounting to several hundred thousand euros.

The cost of GDPR non-compliance

The cost of GDPR non-compliance can be particularly high. In case of proven GDPR violations, data protection authorities have the power to impose significant fines, which can reach several million euros or more, depending on the severity of the violation. Furthermore, the financial consequences are not limited to fines. Non-compliant companies may face additional costs related to investigations, legal proceedings, compensation payments to victims, and the implementation of corrective measures and data security, incurring substantial expenses.

It is evident that GDPR non-compliance can not only tarnish a company’s reputation but also weigh heavily on its financial statements. By investing in GDPR compliance, companies can not only avoid these high costs but also bolster the trust of their customers and partners, which is crucial in the current privacy-focused climate.

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