2023-09-24 12:28:28
Did you know! A pregnant mother’s tooth decay can be dangerous to her unborn child.
Tooth decay One of the most common oral problems Until many people get used to it and think it’s normal, so they don’t pay attention or realize the seriousness of this condition. This article will point out the horrors of tooth decay and gingivitis. that may affect health especially in mothers and fetuses
Tooth decay is more scary than you think.
Oral problems are problems that occur when It will reduce the quality of life in every aspect, no matter who it happens to, if it happens to people with tooth decay or inflamed gums. In addition to the pain and pain that the patient can feel. It also affects daily life such as
It becomes more difficult or difficult to eat. Feeling anorexic Not getting enough nutrients The mouth has an unpleasant odor. The decay is clearly visible and affects your confidence.
These things directly affect health. weaken the body decreased immunity In addition, the treatment is expensive. Life time lost in frequent visits to the dentist also affects your mental state. And if you have a congenital disease or are suffering from other chronic diseases. Having oral problems as well will make the treatment of the main disease less effective. and more complicated
So why do pregnant mothers have to be more careful regarding oral problems? That’s because the physical condition of pregnant women has factors that cause oral problems more easily. Maintenance is more difficult than for ordinary people. Mothers may also pass on abnormalities from bacterial infections to their unborn babies.
Why are you pregnant? You shouldn’t have tooth decay.
In pregnant women, sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone change. This causes the body’s immunity to decrease. On the other hand, it may cause some groups of oral germs to grow better. This can create problems for the mother’s oral health.
In addition, when pregnant, there will be more dry mouth. Normally, in the human mouth there is saliva that contains natural disinfectants. When the saliva decreases, it will increase the rate of bacterial growth that is a problem.
The immune system is weakened, saliva is dry, and mouth is dry, making it difficult for the mother’s body to fight germs.
Currently, it has been found that a group of germs that grow well in the mouths of pregnant mothers is Prevotella. Intermedia (Prevotella intermedia) is an organism associated with periodontitis or phimosis. It will have a growth rate 55 times higher than in the average woman’s body.
Other factors that make pregnant mothers more likely to have poor oral health include:
Morning sickness, nausea, vomiting
Vomiting of ingested food along with stomach acid. back out through the mouth This will cause the environment in the mouth to tend to be acidic most of the time. It facilitates the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the mouth. Moreover, morning sickness makes many pregnant mothers not want to brush their teeth. Because when brushing your teeth it stimulates you to feel like vomiting. This makes oral health care ineffective. Therefore, there is a greater chance of tooth decay and gingivitis.
sensitive emotional state
Because of the changing levels of various hormones Why do you feel uncomfortable? Weak physical condition Mental health is not good This makes taking care of yourself less as well. Daily activities that I used to do, such as waking up early, watering plants, and exercising, I no longer feel like doing. It causes oral health to deteriorate as well.
Importantly, there is research indicating that If your mother’s mouth has problems Severe infection With a weak body It may result in premature birth, preeclampsia, and low birth weight of the child. Therefore, not maintaining good oral health It may affect the baby.
Is it true that the mother’s teeth decay and the child in the womb is at greater risk?
A mother and her unborn child are physically connected. If the mother has severe tooth decay It shows that there are a lot of bacteria in the group that causes tooth decay in the mouth and body. This bacteria can also be passed from one person to another. This allows the mother to pass the infection on to her child. The study found that Elementary school children in the group whose mothers had many tooth decay Will have a higher rate of tooth decay than other children.
High maternal tooth decay rate = high child tooth decay rate.
In children who inherit tooth decay from their mothers If you don’t take good care of your mouth Not brushing your teeth properly Parents allowing them to eat sweets or sugary drinks can easily cause oral problems. And when your child has tooth decay It will have a greater impact on the quality of life of family members than you think.
Direct impact on the child
When a child has tooth decay, inflamed gums, and pus, the child will feel pain. What will happen is The child will feel uncomfortable and irritable. The child’s development is not good both socially and healthily. The tooth decays, has a hole and must be filled or extracted. It will cause the child to lose his personality. The pain will make it difficult for the child to eat. I don’t want to eat food. causing children to receive insufficient nutrition This results in easy illness.
Impact on parents
Parents and mothers themselves will inevitably be affected. This is because you have to take your child to see the dentist often, have to take time off from work, or miss work. If you have small children, the child may cry at night because of the pain. Disturbing rest It affects the quality of sleep for the whole family.
All of these problems are very easy to prevent. Just take good care of your mouth. brush teeth cleaning Control the type of food you eat This will create a good quality of life for both parents and children.
But sometimes parents or children themselves may not know how to take care of their oral health. Why do the same thing and one person doesn’t have a problem? But one person still had decayed teeth. That’s because the physical characteristics inside each person’s mouth are different. Oral care techniques are therefore different for each person. It is the dentist’s duty to consider the oral condition on an individual basis. and provide advice on appropriate and correct care
When I found out I was pregnant How should I prepare to take care of my mouth?
When planning to have children In addition to physical examination and health preparation according to the doctor’s recommendations, You should also come have your teeth checked by a dentist. To check the condition of the mouth to see if it can clean bacteria stains well or not. Do you have any oral disease? Then receive advice and treatment before becoming pregnant. Because if the mouth has problems while pregnant Treatment is more difficult. Moreover, once pregnant Mothers should also come for regular dental checkups. Follow the instructions below.
First trimester: 2 dental examinations. Second trimester: 1 dental examination. Third trimester: 1 dental examination.
Why is it necessary to have a dental checkup every trimester?
That’s because every quarter it changes. The mother’s oral condition will also change. The dentist will take care of you and advise you on the condition of your mouth at the time of your visit. How should it be properly taken care of?
If during pregnancy there are oral diseases or problems Come see the dentist to help support your oral health to prevent the disease from spreading. Then came for dental work and treatment following giving birth. Except in emergencies such as severe oral infections. Considered to be life threatening. You can come for dental work and treatment right away.
The appropriate period of pregnancy for dental surgery is in the second trimester. That’s because in the first trimester the mother has a high chance of miscarriage. In the third trimester, the belly size may become very large. Lying on the dental bed for a long time can make the mother uncomfortable and cause low blood pressure to the point of fainting. This is because the child’s weight presses on the blood vessels in the back of the abdomen.
In conclusion, the best way is Visiting the dentist to check and take care of oral problems since the beginning of planning to have children Just this will help the quality of life during pregnancy go more smoothly. Your unborn child will also have good oral health.
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