FPÖ – Schnedlitz: Rauch is the receiver of a failed government policy | Freedom Parliamentary Club

2023-09-24 15:56:30

Vienna (OTS) “Green Minister Rauch is not a reformer, but simply the receiver of a failed government policy. He proved that once once more with his appearance on the ORF ‘press hour’ today. Neither his sweet talk nor his inappropriate self-praise or vague announcements hide this fact. The black-green federal government only keeps the population insulted, no wonder the Austrians no longer believe them anyway,” emphasized FPÖ General Secretary NAbg today. Michael Schnedlitz.

“The Freedom Party has taken numerous initiatives, for example to stabilize and improve the ailing health system, to meet the increasing need for care and to address the inflation that Austrians are suffering from and which threatens prosperity, social security and the economic location fight. The ÖVP and the Greens have repeatedly rejected these measures. The reason is obvious: Nehammer, Kogler, Rauch and Co do not focus on the well-being of their own people. We – incidentally, the only party – are made from a completely different cloth. “We libertarians only serve the interests of Austrians, not the EU and not any elite,” said Schnedlitz.

The government, on the other hand, not only failed in the fight once morest inflation, the ÖVP and the Greens also squandered tens of billions of euros in tax money in connection with their coercive Corona regime and at the same time drove health care for the population to the wall. And the fact that Rauch is trying to scare Austrians that a stop to illegal mass immigration would mean a shortage of nursing staff is, according to Schnedlitz, revealing: “He’s not concerned with nursing, it’s just regarding green ideology. As Minister of Social Affairs, Rauch should know best where large numbers of asylum seekers end up – in the social system as benefit recipients and not as qualified employees in the health system.” Incidentally, it was the Green health ministers in association with the major coalition partner ÖVP who were highly qualified nursing staff through their Corona regimes would have driven them out of their profession.

“Rauch has emphasized that he will be leaving federal politics following this legislative period. “One can only say: the sooner this legislative period ends, the sooner all black-green ministers leave the government bench, the better it is for Austria,” said Schnedlitz.

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press-parliamentary club@fpoe.at

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