2023-09-23 20:07:00
It was a very common accident which occurred in the town of Stoumont last Tuesday, late in the followingnoon. François, 22, was busy working on a farm when the owner’s dog ran away. The young man then immediately began chasing the animal.
Except that once he arrived in the nearby woods, at Monceau, following already 20 minutes of effort, François was the victim of an unfortunate accident. He was in fact knocked down by a doe, undoubtedly frightened by the runaway dog. “She appeared out of nowhere and threw me two meters away. I passed out.”
After a few minutes, the young man regained consciousness and tried, in vain, to call for help using his mobile phone. His spirits recovered but his vision a little blurred, François took the initiative to return to the farm, with the dog which he ended up catching despite everything. “I thought I would continue my activity on the farm even though I felt that something was wrong. But that’s when I started bleeding really bad from my head.”
No other choice then for François but to go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital, in Malmedy. “There, they sewed up a 2 centimeter opening in my skull. They did eye exams, leg exams and gave me a standing test. They also placed electrodes on my head and the verdict was clear: I was indeed suffering from a major concussion.”
Since then, the young man has of course put his professional activities on hold and must make sure to stay in dimly lit rooms. “The light still bothers me and I still have headaches. Afterwards, in my misfortune, I am still doing well because I have nothing broken. My legs just hurt a little,” he confides.
Although this is a very rare accident outside of hunting activities, François will undoubtedly be even more careful when venturing into the woods in the future.
#Knocked #deer #woods #testifies #thrown #meters #fell #unconscious