Kugler: “The ‘S’ in SPÖ probably stands for self-service”

2023-09-23 12:05:18

A party like the SPÖ, which never misses an opportunity to smear its competitors, should also clean up its own front door

Vienna (OTS) “The ‘S’ in SPÖ probably stands for self-service. The SPÖ-Vienna must get its ‘individual cases’ under control. The scandal surrounding the rezoning of allotment plots in Vienna Donaustadt, in which several members of the SPÖ are already involved, is constantly taking on new dimensions. Here I expect a strong word from Michael Ludwig. “He has to take action and ensure full clarification – not only as party chairman, but also as mayor,” says National Council member Gudrun Kugler, criticizing the recently announced events surrounding rezoning in Vienna Donaustadt.

“After decades of ruling, the SPÖ in Vienna has succeeded in consolidating all power and dependencies. Be it the friendly economy or the avalanche of costs in social housing, nothing is impossible because the supposed control bodies are also firmly in the hands of the SPÖ,” Kugler continued and concluded by making it clear: “But the measure is slowly being reached. The red felt cannot continue to exist like this. Both the SPÖ and its stirrup holders at the Neos in Vienna have to learn to adhere to the law like everyone else.”

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