2023-09-23 10:00:00
Scientists call them vibrisses. Actually, they are simple hairs but much thicker than the others and particularly innervated. Located around the muzzlebut also above the eyes, under the chin and on the cheeksthey have many functions essential to the proper functioning of the cat.
The whiskers are first of all essential in its orientation : they actually serve as movement detectors. Even though our felines have excellent eyesight, their whiskers help them find their way and detect vibrations in the air.
When the vibrissae perceive a vibration, it triggers a nerve impulse which goes straight to the brain thanks to ultrasensitive sensors. The cat can then spot prey more easily, even in the dark.. According to behaviorists, vibrissae can also help it anticipate the width of a space and thus avoid getting stuck.
#cat #whiskers