Exploring Real Friendship: Beto Ortiz’s Book Presentation and Personal Accounts

2023-09-23 08:36:01

REAL FRIENDSHIP. During the presentation of his book Corazones Vándalos, Beto Ortiz revealed to Magaly Medina and the public what his recent visit to journalist Mauricio Fernandini, who is imprisoned in the Castro Castro prison, was like.

“When you are in prison you try to make sure that the loved one who visits you sees you well. I felt that Mauricio was trying to show me that everything was fine, everything was smiling and I felt ‘you’re not going to fool me,'” said the journalist.

TROME | Beto Ortiz at the presentation of his book Corazones Vándalos (Magaly TV)

Beto Ortiz: “Magaly Medina is the most important journalist in the country”

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