Alhambra Neighborhood Committee Battles Squatters, Drugs, and Prostitution – Urgent Action Needed in Brussels

2023-09-22 15:24:15

The Alhambra neighborhood committee in Brussels reported this Friday to the Belga agency that it was experiencing nuisance from squatters, drugs and prostitution. Earlier this week, the former prostitution hotel, Studio Europa, which closed its doors in June, was squatted by several Roma families with children.

Upon entering the former prostitution hotel on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, an argument briefly broke out between Roma families and drug addicts in the neighborhood. According to Mr. Leerman, the fact that Roma families are fighting over the occupation of the premises is a new thing. “We have long been concerned regarding the drug-addicted prostitutes in the area, who are hiding somewhere every night,” says Mr. Leerman. “The problem with Studio Europa is that it is a hotel and four apartments. Two apartments are for sale and viewings are also planned. Maybe the owner doesn’t want to close the door.”

Also read Reception crisis: at the squat on rue de la Loi, “we all know what it’s like to sleep outside”

“We are paying the price of the lasagna structure in Brussels, where no one is responsible.” According to Mr. Leerman, Brussels Minister-President Rudi Vervoort (PS) and the federal government must urgently assume their responsibilities. “A comprehensive approach is needed,” Mr. Leerman said.

#concerned #residents #Brussels #neighborhood #sound #alarm



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