★ Rethinking Buying iPhones: Why Subscription Might Be the Smarter Choice?

2023-09-21 19:00:00

If you are thinking regarding buy a new iPhone, maybe it’s time to rethink. The truth is that the traditional purchase of an iPhone may not be the most advantageous option, especially when compared to the alternative of making a signature.

Let’s explore why conventional purchasing options aren’t worth it and why subscribing might be the smart choice.

The unsustainable purchasing cycle

Buying an iPhone can be a significant investment, especially when we consider the latest models and their prices here in Brazil.

However, every year Apple releases a new generation of iPhones with enhanced features and notable improvements. This means that, when buying an iPhone, you are either entering into a seemingly endless cycle of upgrades and expenses, or accepting that you will be investing a very high amount to always be behind on the latest technologies.

The hidden value of upgrades

Selling or trading in your previous model to finance your new device may not be as advantageous as it seems, especially when you consider the depreciation in the value of your used iPhone.

Many people are convinced by the argument that, upon purchase, they can sell the old device if they want to exchange it for a new one. What almost no one knows is that only 14% of people manage to make a profitable sale on their smartphone following a year of use. Most people end up donating the device to a relative or selling it for a much lower price than what was paid when purchasing it.

allu: a more economical and complete alternative

A alluthe largest electronics subscription company in Latin America, comes with an innovative subscription proposal that eliminates financial worries and the need to buy a new iPhone with each launch. With allu’s subscription model, you pay less than half the purchase price with access to the iPhone you want, not the one you can afford.

Advantages beyond savings

In addition to savings, an allu subscription offers more advantages. Don’t worry regarding reselling your old iPhone: just upgrade your subscription to the latest model without leaving home. Additionally, the package allu.box (as the kit shipped with the iPhone is called) includes full charger, cape e movie. And the advantages don’t stop there: you still have damage coverage, qualified theft e theft included throughout the subscription period!

The final decision: buy or subscribe?

Ultimately, the answer to the question “does it still make sense to buy an iPhone?” It’s a personal issue. However, when you consider how quickly technology advances, the costs associated with traditional purchasing, and the advantages of subscription options, the choice can become clearer.

In a changing world where innovation is constant and budget is a reality, subscription options — like those from allu — can offer a smarter, more cost-effective way to purchase an iPhone and stay connected to the cutting edge of technology.

Visit this page to learn more regarding subscribing to allu!

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