Preventing Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke: 10 Essential Tips for a Healthy Heart

2023-09-22 01:52:24

The older you get, the more likely you are to develop atrial fibrillation. 7 major stroke warning signs. Get help!

Four out of every 100 people over the age of 60 have atrial fibrillation, and by the age of 80, one out of every 10 people has atrial fibrillation.[i]Taiwan will enter a super-aging society in 2025, and atrial fibrillation will become more and more common. Guo Zhidong, a physician at the Cardiovascular Center of Cathay General Hospital, reminded that atrial fibrillation will increase the risk of thrombosis, cause stroke, and may also lead to heart failure and other complications. Medical intervention is absolutely necessary. He called on the public to grasp the 10 prevention points and pay attention to the crooked face and mouth. There are 7 symptoms including squint, hemiplegia of hands and feet, and difficulty speaking. Do not take it lightly.

When suffering from atrial fibrillation, some patients will feel that their heart is beating irregularly and often rapidly, which is called an arrhythmia. When this happens, the atria and ventricles, which represent the heart, beat out of sync. Some patients will express sudden rapid and violent heartbeat during the attack, accompanied by shortness of breath and general weakness. And more patients do not feel any symptoms. Clinically, it is not uncommon to find atrial fibrillation following stroke.

Guo Zhidong said that excessive panic is not only excessive, but also does not help the condition. The following are 10 things that can be used to deal with atrial fibrillation.

1. Learn as much as possible regarding your diagnosis:

Understanding what may be causing atrial fibrillation can help manage the condition. Some risk factors for atrial fibrillation include: high blood pressure, a history of heart disease or heart attack, diabetes, sleep apnea, history of heart surgery, excessive drinking, smoking, etc. Here are some questions to ask your doctor:

What is the cause of my atrial fibrillation? What is the best treatment at this stage? Are there any dietary or lifestyle changes that need to be made to help manage the condition? What symptoms might indicate a more serious problem?

2. Understand your stroke risk:

Factors that increase the risk of stroke caused by atrial fibrillation include: age over 65, heart failure, high blood pressure, diabetes, history of stroke, and history of vascular disease.

3. Understand the warning signs of an unfortunate stroke:

If your face is crooked, your hands and feet are paralyzed, or you have difficulty speaking, you should seek emergency help immediately. Other symptoms include sudden numbness of the face or limbs, sudden confusion, difficulty walking, or severe headaches, which should not be ignored.

4. Tell your family regarding your condition:

Because atrial fibrillation often has no symptoms, family members may not understand your condition. Be ready to respond when you need them.

5. Moderate regular exercise:

Many patients may worry that exercise will worsen atrial fibrillation, but regular exercise is important for heart health. Exercise can help reduce symptoms of atrial fibrillation, lower resting heart rate, reduce the risk of stroke, control weight and reduce the risk of other diseases.

6. Dispelling myths regarding sex life:

Some patients and even their family members worry that sexual activity may trigger an episode of atrial fibrillation and cause adverse consequences. However, a moderate and reasonable sex life is good for both physical and mental health. If you have erectile difficulties or other sexual dysfunction following getting sick, you need to inform your doctor and deal with it as soon as possible.

7. Undergo cardiac rehabilitation:

If patients with heart failure or myocardial infarction are complicated by atrial fibrillation, cardiac rehabilitation therapy can be considered following discharge from the hospital, which can help restore cardiac function, reduce the risk of future problems, and improve the quality of life.

8. Get adequate rest and avoid overexertion:

Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of atrial fibrillation and can be caused by atrial fibrillation itself or the medications that treat it. So getting enough sleep, regular exercise and a healthy diet can help relieve fatigue. If you think it is drug-related, consult your doctor and do not stop taking the medication on your own.

9. Avoid triggering factors:

Trigger factors that cause atrial fibrillation to occur vary from person to person. Overwork, alcohol, stress, caffeine, anxiety, smoking, illness or medication may all cause it. These triggers should be avoided if possible. At the same time, you must learn to measure your own pulse so that you can know whether it is too fast or irregular.

10. Healthy eating:

A heart-healthy diet includes eating less processed foods, plenty of vegetables, moderate amounts of fruit, and less red meat, fried foods, sugary drinks, and more.


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