E-card solution for doctors and pharmacies in the BBOÖ network

2023-09-22 05:01:30

BBOÖ Broadband Oberösterreich GmbH has achieved another major milestone by integrating e-card solutions for doctors and pharmacies into its network.

Linz (OTS) Fiber optic solutions for doctors and pharmacies are becoming increasingly important, not least because e-prescriptions are on the rise and the e-card is therefore becoming even more important. Such a fiber optic solution for the e-card is now available for doctors and pharmacies in the BBOÖ network.

Until now, this offer was only available on the very slow DSL network. The pioneering service is now available from two providers in the BBOÖ fiber optic network: Infotech and spusu offer the fiber optic solutions. “Almost 27,000 customers are already actively using our network for Internet, TV and telephony and the number is increasing every day. The fact that we can now offer a fiber optic solution for the e-card for doctors and pharmacies, and that from two of our internet providers, is essential for the healthcare system in our service area and encourages us in what we do,” says Thomas Matthey, commercial officer Managing Director of BBOÖ.

The fact that end customers can freely choose their Internet provider from the BBOÖ partner network promotes individual customer solutions and means great flexibility. The BBOÖ is constantly working on expanding the range of Internet providers even further. With BBOÖ’s fiber optic internet, customers are already prepared for the digital future. At bbooe.at anyone interested can find an overview of what internet providers have to offer. They can also order their fiber optic infrastructure directly on the website.

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Questions & Contact:

Mag. Katharina Niedermayer
Sales and promotions
Mobil: +43 664 96 58 922
Email: katharina.niedermayer@bbooe.at

Additional Information:
BBOÖ Broadband Oberösterreich GmbH
Energiestraße 1
4020 Linz257 257 8050
+43 732 257 257 8050

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