Challenges and Inefficiencies in the Admission Process to Medicine Degree: Vacancies and Movement of Students

2023-09-22 03:00:50

After resignations and movements of students in other universities, this degree now has, with the course started, regarding twenty vacancies in Santiago

22 Sep 2023. Updated at 05:00 a.m.

At this stage the most demanded career in Galicia, Medicinehas more than twenty vacancies. This contradiction has an explanation in the chaotic access to this degree throughout Spain: since it is such an attractive degree, students apply for a place in dozens of universities, and when they obtain a position in the center they wanted, they leave the one they had previously occupied vacant. The USC, with 403 places, was left this week with 378 enrolled, that is, twenty-five less. Not only is the admission process different at each university, but also the when a faculty closes its enrollment period, suddenly there are dropouts because there have been movements in another community, which forces the calls to be resumed.

The deans of these facultiesboth public and private, are fed up. This is a situation that they have been trying to change for years: «Our first proposal is from 2015, in it We asked for a single access and that the weighting matters be the samebut since it must be approved by all the autonomous communities, it has not been attended to,” explains Pablo Lara, president of the conference of deans of medicine of Spain and responsible for the one in Malaga. It would be a model like the mir, in which places are chosen through a single list of applicants who are ordered by the cut-off mark.

Los damages of the current model are multiple. The Government asks to increase the number of places in Medicine – this year there were an increase of 700 throughout Spain – and at the same time There are regarding 200 vacancies left due to the inefficiencies of the system“It’s a contradiction,” adds Lara. On the other hand, the constant ups and downs between universities cause there to be students who join their faculty in December“which is nonsense because the first semester is ending,” laments the dean from Malaga.

They are not the only inefficiencies. Students and families search and they pay for accommodations that they must later abandon, they pay tuition fees to later waive them if they get a place closer to home. «These are notable incidents that might be solved at least with a single enrollment calendar if our single access proposal is not to be taken into account. It is true that our proposal is more complex because a political decision must be made that until now has not been possible,” says the representative of all the deans of Medicine.

In Galicia the front is common. Julián Álvarez Escudero, dean of the only faculty there is, is brief but clear: “Anything that involves organizing and clarifying is very good.” And the rector of USC, Antonio López, leaves no doubt:“A single access system is essentialwe would improve a lot in transparency and tranquility for the students, for my part I will try to do everything possible».

Refering to Department of Education, its position is firm and known for a long time: “The Ministry, as the rest of the bodies involved know well because it has been said on multiple occasions, is fully in favor of enabling a system that solves once and for all the delays that occur in the case of registrations in Medicine”. Delays that do not only affect the students of the degree but many of the health sciences, because when there are ups and downs “the calls are extended during the first term with movements that have a domino effect on other degrees -Nursing, Dentistry, Optics or Psychology- ». The Xunta demands centralized access to this qualification “but that access can only be done from a state level, so it is the Ministry of Universities that has to take the initiative in an issue that has to have the unanimous support of all the communities and all the university bodies”, he concludes.

A common selectivity would be the fairest model for those responsible for the degree

One of the pitfalls of this centralized access is that for it to be completely equitable it should start from a single EBAU, as requested by Galicia and the deans. «Equity is something very desirable, but we are going to encounter opposition from communities that want to defend their autonomy to schedule their tests, decide the content… Since the reality is that the grades are not equal, it is a factor that interferes with the normal registration process,” insists Pablo Lara. At least, the deans claim, registration deadlines should be standardized so that in any case entry into the faculties is not delayed until December.

Right now, not only are students governed by a cut-off mark, that of selectivity, which is different in each community – the Galician average, for example, is one of the lowest in Spain, which harms students here – but that depending on the community, the subjects they consider change. These subjects score more, and while in Galicia and other communities only two do so (Biology and Chemistry), in others such as Andalusia, Mathematics II also adds up. If a student got a worse grade in one of the first two, they always have the option of using Mathematics to raise their final grade. It seems trivial but in a race in which one hundredth determines access any variation is very important.

At the moment the cut-off marks range between 12.67 for the Basque Country in the degree taught in Basque (it is also given in Spanish, but has a higher cut-off) and 13.47 for the Complutense University of Madrid.

Archived in: Xunta de Galicia
#deans #Medicine #stand #chaos #access #degree #mir #system #unique #Spain



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