2023-09-21 22:02:12
A team of scientists who examined data on Jupiter’s moon, Callisto, discovered that Jupiter’s magnetism cannot fully explain the amount of molecular oxygen around Callisto, according to the CNET website. In a recent study published in the journal “Geophysical Research”, Callisto’s atmosphere contains… A higher concentration of molecular oxygen than previously thought. This discovery is a surprising departure from previous scientific models and raises new questions regarding the dynamics of the icy moon’s atmosphere. The American Geophysical Union said: “The new study conducted by Shane Carberry-Maughan, a postdoctoral researcher in planetary sciences at the University of California, Berkeley, and his team, presents an interesting puzzle.” Discovering so much oxygen on an alien world may seem like a “blessing” that Callisto might possibly support life, but the frozen world is too cold for life as we know it. It is still up for debate whether Callisto’s surface is rock or ice.
#Callistos #oxygen #baffles #scientists #AlBayan