FPÖ – Stefan: Teichtmeister case – Justice Minister Zadic remains silent on open questions | Freedom Parliamentary Club

2023-09-21 15:53:45

FPÖ demands that Chancellor Nehammer set up an independent commission of inquiry into the Teichtmeister case

Vienna (OTS) At yesterday’s National Council meeting, the FPÖ requested a short debate about the answer to the written question “Florian Teichtmeister II child porn case” by the Green Justice Minister Zadić. FPÖ justice spokesman NAbg. Harald Stefan: “For me, various aspects were already connected at the end of March the investigations, suspicions or potential accomplices are worth questioning. At the time, Minister Zadić blocked it – citing, among other things, the ongoing proceedings. Now, however, there is a legally binding judgment and therefore there is no longer any reason not to answer these questions. Nevertheless, she has not “We spoke substantively about it and only devoted a minute to answering the query. Overall, Zadić’s protection of our children from abuse was worth around six minutes in which she tried to promote the federal government’s measures – which in our view are completely inadequate and half-hearted.”

From the FPÖ’s perspective, there are still many unanswered questions in the Teichtmeister case that the public has a right to answer: “The 110 grams of cocaine seized were classified as personal use. The amount for possible personal use is usually 5.5 grams. If twenty times the amount was seized, there would be no investigation. The many delays are the second big point: there was a confession quickly, there were the seized files. Then why was the process delayed for so long? When further investigations were announced, I had hope for further new findings. Because with over 75,000 files there must be evidence of networks or possible accomplices. Anyone who collects such a volume of data is not acting alone – the ‘lone perpetrator theory’ simply seems to me to be unrealistic. The third big question that arises: Why is one so sure that he did not take any action, that he did not abuse children, but ‘only’ watched the depictions of this cruel crime. This was not followed up on in any way. And we know that even a confession does not exempt the prosecution authorities from taking further action and investigating. These inconsistencies have led us to ask our questions to the Minister of Justice and these questions have not yet been clarified. Incidentally, it would be of interest not only to us but also to citizens to know when the Teichtmeister case was known in government circles.”

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The liberal justice spokesman therefore renewed the call for an independent commission of inquiry into the Teichtmeister case, which “should be set up as quickly as possible by ÖVP Chancellor Nehammer” in order to reopen the investigative work of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of the Interior.

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