Creating and Maintaining Good Habits: Tips and Strategies for Success

2023-09-21 05:04:08

Choice is the enemy of habit…”You should not leave any room for choice”

Entered 2023.09.21 14:03 Views 138 Entered 2023.09.21 14:03 Views 138

It is completely possible to break bad habits and create new ones. Now that the hot weather has passed and the cool weather has left us free, it’s the perfect time to make up our minds to create good habits. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Everyone has at least one bad habit that gets in the way of achieving their goals and staying in good shape. Typical examples include looking at the cell phone, filling meals with instant food, oversleeping, and procrastinating work. It is completely possible to break bad habits and create new ones. Now that the hot weather has passed and the cool weather has left us free, it’s the perfect time to make up our minds to create good habits.

Recently, Dr. Sue Bama, a psychiatrist and chair of psychiatry at New York University Langone Medical Center, appeared on NBC’s ‘TODAY Show’ and shared how to create and maintain good habits. Find out what habits are and how to create and maintain them.

Identify the signs that trigger bad habits

According to Dr. Varma, habits consist of the intention to change, a decision regarding how to make the change, an action plan to get on track and make the change happen, and the automation that becomes natural behavior. The most important of these is automation. Good habits must be established naturally.

Dr. Varma shared two tips to help you break existing bad habits. The first is to identify the signals and triggers that trigger bad habit behavior. Since most bad habit behaviors occur when we are not paying attention and lack self-discipline, we must consciously recognize when we engage in such behavior and try to control it. If you identify the triggers that lead to bad habits, you can predict them and make plans in advance.

The second is to make it physically difficult to access. For example, if you have the habit of taking a can of beer out of the refrigerator right following coming home from work, don’t leave beer in the refrigerator at all. If you want to drink it, you have to go out and buy it once more, creating an inconvenient situation.

Dr. Bama said, “Choice is the enemy of habit.” This is because making a choice involves fickle mood, will, and self-control. There are too many variables such as interests, other people, motivation, etc. Let’s take exercise habits as an example. If you have a choice regarding whether or not to exercise this followingnoon, the outcome will be determined by your current mood and physical condition. Of course, it goes without saying that the likelihood of not exercising increases. If you don’t leave room for negotiation in the act of exercising, it becomes an automatic habit.

How to create good, long-lasting habits?

First, make it easy to achieve
Don’t make your habits too complicated. People who are not morning people do not necessarily make plans to wake up early in the morning and exercise. If you add the mission of waking up early in the morning, exercising becomes more difficult. In this case, it’s best to just plan to exercise in the followingnoon.

Second, lower the entry barrier
Make good habits easy to access and make bad habits invisible. If you want to have good eating habits, as soon as you open the refrigerator, place cut fruits and vegetables right in front of your eye level. And get rid of unhealthy snacks right in front of your eyes.

Third, associate the habit with a positive emotion, time, or place.
It is important to associate positive emotions. Recording how good you feel when you practice good habits reinforces your behavior. Try to associate your new habit with a time or place. Like exercising as soon as you get home.

Fourth, make a plan in case of emergency.
For example, if you haven’t been able to exercise, make a backup plan such as doing light housework, taking the stairs, or walking to work. It’s also good to have a workout buddy.

How to maintain good habits

You may start out with all your might, excited regarding the change, but following a few weeks it can start to fizzle out. Accordingly, you must work hard to maintain habits, such as △preventing boredom through newness and challenges, △setting additional goals or opportunities over a period of time, and △taking responsibility. Finally, Dr. Varma advises that maintaining good habits requires several key elements: short- and long-term goals, support, increasing challenges, having opportunities to showcase talents, and adding novelty.

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