Chants of Babel: A Unique Adventure Game with Intricate Word Puzzles and Stunning Visuals

2023-09-21 01:01:53
1. Game Information Name: Chants of Babel/Chants of Sennaar Platform: Steam NT$549 PS4 NT$590 NS Hong Kong $148 NS Japan ¥2,420 XBOX NT$599 Type: Adventure Release: 2023/09/06 Language: ☑Traditional Chinese ☑Simplified Chinese ☑ Japanese ☑ English 2. Game content When Chaos first started, all the clans in Babel Tower were already torn apart and no longer talked to each other. But it is said that one day, a traveler will use his wisdom to break down the barriers between the tribes and restore balance. 1️⃣ Art and Music The visual presentation of this game is very vivid, with the outline of the edges of objects, the transition of light and shadow, and different tones on different floors, making the layers distinct. Whether this strong style is good or bad is a matter of opinion. I personally think it is very special, and the picture is clear, and there is no need to increase the brightness (normal games have to set it). In the beginning, there was a dull world of world music. I personally felt that the sense of presence was quite low????. There are only ambient sounds during the initial exploration, and a short motivational soundtrack when solving puzzles. I think this may be related to the plot arrangement. After deciphering more languages ​​and helping different ethnic groups communicate in the middle and later stages, the soundtrack feels a little richer, but it still does not have a strong connection with the game. It wasn’t until the final ending that I clearly felt that the music and the pictures were connected. 2️⃣ Many characters will be found in word puzzle games. Players need to refer to the surrounding patterns, mechanisms or scenes, and cross-compare different sentences (or you can be psychic) ​​to guess and define the meaning of each character. The mark in the middle is obviously related to the left lever. Players can enter the key meaning into the log, but there will be a “?” before confirming the decipherment. It is recommended that you write down the meaning you can think of when you see new text, otherwise you will often not be able to remember the relevant clues following you leave, and you will have to go back to confirm. There are many interactive options during exploration. In addition to talking to humans, you must also click on the notice boards on the walls, road signs at crossroads, strange statues, etc. to have a look. On the one hand, you need to collect new characters. , on the other hand, is to trigger the deciphering page. It should be noted that even if the meaning of the text is 99% certain, if there is no complete contact with the relevant people and things, the corresponding deciphering page will not appear, and the meaning of the characters will never be verified. Verify the deduced word meanings. When some deciphering pages appear, players may not yet understand what each word means. They may either try and make mistakes one by one, or they may leave it alone and wait for more clues to be solved. But if you keep ignoring it, you will end up with several pages of deciphered pages + a bunch of unverified words, and you don’t know which words belong to which page, so it will be more difficult to guess, so you should finish it as soon as possible while you can. . At the beginning of the game, the languages ​​of different ethnic groups are incomprehensible to each other. There are 5 languages ​​in total. Some words have similar meanings in other ethnic groups, and some do not. Moreover, different ethnic groups speak in different rhythms, which greatly increases the difficulty of the game. Devices similar to terminals can be found in relatively private places on each floor. If you activate two or more of them, you can use the teleportation function. On the right side of some of the terminals, two parties might be seen communicating, but due to the language barrier, they did not understand each other’s meaning. Players can act as translators to help them successfully transmit each other’s messages, which can produce some subtle changes in the Tower of Babel. But as mentioned before, there are differences between different languages. It does not mean that knowing which word of A corresponds to which word of B can be directly translated. Assuming that the order of A is “subject + predicate + object” and that of B is “object + subject + predicate”, the translation will be as follows─A: I like you B: You, I like a bunch of incomprehensible words , paired with another bunch of incomprehensible words. 3. Summarize playing this game in one sentence – Extremely brain-burning! In fact, if the player already understands the language in the game, then there is no so-called “puzzle”. There are operating instructions next to the machine, there are signs at the door of the location, and even passers-by will tell you where to go to get help. “Hymn of Babel” simply replaces the communication medium with five types of words that players cannot understand, and we are separated from the game characters. Of course, there are exceptions. For example, when people on higher floors snort at players, they can clearly feel the sense of ridicule????. The price of the game is regarding NT$500, and it is really fun to say that it is fun. After all, I really like puzzle and puzzle games, and the style of the game is also very unique. The disadvantage is probably that I can’t play it a second time. It may take three to five years until I forget the content before I can revisit it once more. ★★★Every player has different preferences, and the above only represents my personal preference★★★I will broadcast live on Twitch from time to time, put my play records on Youtube, or visit my other platforms!
#Chants #Sennaar #broke #hearts



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