Build the Perfect Weight Loss Salad: Avoid Hidden Calorie Bombs and Shed Pounds with Smart Ingredients

2023-09-20 22:25:39

Would you like to lose weight with salad and avoid hidden calorie bombs? Here you will find out which ingredients belong in your weight loss salad and what should not go into the bowl. Different types of lettuce are just as important as a good oil and a lean source of protein. Grains and pseudo-cereals make the salad a filling meal, fruits provide variety and seeds provide the right bite.

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Salad diet: How to put together the perfect salad to lose weight

Salads are a popular choice when it comes to losing weight and eating healthy. Ideally they are low in calories, high in fiber and packed with valuable nutrients. But not all salads are suitable for losing weight – they are often hidden in dressings, toppings, etc many calories. We’ll show you what to look out for and how to put together the perfect, crunchy and delicious salad to help you lose weight.

Mix of different types of green lettuce creates volume

The basis for a healthy weight loss salad is a mixture of different types of green lettuce. The volume of the salad is increased by using different varieties, which leads to a pleasant feeling of satiety. To get the best out of the different types of lettuce and from one Variety of vitamins and minerals To benefit, it is advisable to mix them and ideally accompany the salad herbs garnish with coriander, basil and parsley. These herbs not only add more flavor to the salad, but also provide valuable nutrients Antioxidants, which protect cells from free radicals. For example, select a combination Rocket, spinach, lamb’s lettuce and lettucebut also bitter varieties like Radicchio, Endive or Chicory must not be missing. These are low in calories and contain lots of fiber and important nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K.

Fruits provide healthy vitamins

Adding fresh fruit to your salad not only provides additional flavor variety, but also more vitamins and antioxidants. Berries such as strawberries, raspberries or blueberries are a good choice because they contain few calories and are rich in vital substances – they are true superfoods. Orange or grapefruit pieces are also ideal for giving your salad a fruity kick.

A stunning combination:

Raw food ensures satiety

When it comes to filling up, raw food is unbeatable. Raw vegetables such as carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, peppers, fennel, celery and radishes are low in calories and high in fiber. They add volume to your salad without adding a lot of calories. Cut them into thin slices or strips to give the salad a crisp texture. Remember: Ever more colorful your salad, the greater the spectrum of vitamins and minerals it contains.

By the way: Many vegetables are ideal for a diet – losing weight with cucumbers or losing weight with celery, for example.

Lean sources of protein fill you up

Protein is an important part of a balanced diet and also plays a crucial role in losing weight. By adding lean sources of protein to your salad, you will improve your satiety and maintain your Muscle mass upright. This is important because the more muscle mass we have, the more calories we burn. With more muscle, the basal metabolic rate, i.e. the amount of calories required per day, increases. Grilled chicken, lean beef, shrimp or boiled eggs are excellent options for a protein-rich salad. Vegetarians and vegans can Tofu and legumes such as chickpeas, beans and lentils. They deliver important ones amino acids and keep you full longer. Choose one or two protein sources. A good portion is 120 to 150 grams. This corresponds to two eggs, for example.

Tofu is a healthy source of protein for your salad. © Adobe Stock

Dressing with healthy oil

The dressing is often the critical point in many salads Calorie traps transform. Ready-made (low-fat) dressings from the supermarket are often contaminated with added sugar or artificial additives. Instead, make your own dressing with healthy oil, lemon juice, salt, and other seasonings of your choice. Olive oil, avocado oil or linseed oil are good options because they contain monounsaturated fats, which are good for health. Avoid using too much dressing as it increases calorie intake. One to two tablespoons should usually be enough to flavor your salad.

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Everything about the right oils:

Salad as a main course: Which filling ingredients are allowed?

If you want to enjoy a salad as a main course, it’s important to add filling ingredients to ensure you get enough energy. Cereal products such as whole-wheat pasta, bulgur and couscous are good options as they contain fiber and complex carbohydrates. To the gluten-free varieties include quinoa, rice, buckwheat, millet and amaranth. But also potatoes and sweet potatoes fill you up and provide long-lasting energy.

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Calorie traps in salad: You should avoid these 7 things when losing weight with salad

Even though salads are generally healthy, it’s better to avoid certain ingredients if you want to lose weight. Because they contain unnecessary calories. Here are seven common calorie traps:

Too much dressing: Dressings can be very high in calories, especially creamy varieties like ranch or Caesar. Use dressings sparingly and choose low-fat or homemade options.Fettige Croutons: Croutons add a crunchy texture to salads, but they are often full of fat and calories. Look for low-fat alternatives – for example, use a small amount of toasted whole-grain bread.Large amount of nuts & seeds: Nuts and seeds are healthy and nutritious ingredients, but they also contain a lot of calories. Pay attention to the portion size and use it sparingly. For example, only sprinkle half a handful of roasted almonds or cashews over the salad, as they are lower calorie varieties.High-fat cheese: Cheese adds flavor to your salad, but varieties like camembert, brie, mountain cheese or cheddar are high in saturated fat. Instead, use low-fat cheese options like feta and mozzarella and sprinkle just a small amount over your salad. Cottage cheese is also a good source of protein for losing weight.Fatty meat: If you want to add meat to your salad, choose lean options like grilled chicken or turkey breast. Avoid fatty meats like bacon or salami.Tuna in oil: Tuna is a good source of protein, but the oil version contains additional calories. Choose tuna in water instead.Too much bread as a side dish: Do you like to eat bread as a side dish with your salad? This quickly increases your calorie intake. Avoid eating too much bread, especially if it is white bread or rolls. If you want to add bread, choose whole grain options and preferably leave it to one slice. Also avoid butter or oil on the bread. Not every salad is suitable for losing weight. You should also pay attention to what is eaten with the salad. It’s best to enjoy your salad with just a slice of bread or do without it entirely. © mateuszsiuta –

Salads are also often a popular side dish when grilling in summer – we have some tips for you so that you can have cozy barbecue evenings even while you’re on a diet: Healthy grilling: The best diet tips for low-calorie grilling. Even with low-carb diets such as the Thonon diet, salad should be on your menu.

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