The Heartbreaking Story of Minion, the Beloved Bichon Frize Reunited with His Family after 12 Years

2023-09-20 20:48:00
Minion, the bichon frize, quickly adapted to the family’s life once he was reunited with them following twelve years (Screenshot/YouTube Arizona News)

Minion was a dog who was separated from his family for 12 years following he mysteriously disappeared from his backyard. The animal was found by a police officer in Arizona, United States, and when he was finally reunited with his owners, he died three weeks later.

The canine with fluffy white fur was identified thanks to the microchip it had installed. When its owners went to pick it up from the pound, the animal showed friendly behavior and exploded with happiness. “His tail started moving and he didn’t stop jumping; I knew it,” commented Allysa Sanford, the police officer who found the dog, in an interview for Fox News Digital.

Although he spent more than a decade separated from his family and was an adult dog, his reunion with the Crandalls caused him to behave like a puppy once more.

The canine was lost in mid-2011 and was found twelve years later by an agent (Facebook Maricopa County Animal Care & Control)

The bichon frize arrived with the American family when he was three years old and had run away with his other “furry brother”, but the latter did return home. Callie Crandall, the youngest daughter, shared for the same medium that the separation was very sad and that she always remembered him as a playful dog who liked to lie in her bed.

During the first month that Minion was lost, the family searched hard throughout the neighborhood, however, they were unsuccessful and as time went by, their hopes faded. “We thought the chances of seeing him once more were slim. We just imagined the worst, it was pretty disconcerting,” Callie shared.

It took a while for the family to process the idea that their dog was lost and would never be seen once more. A decade later, Raleigh (the mother of the family) began receiving phone calls from an unknown number and several messages were left on her voicemail.

When the primary school teacher received the calls, she mightn’t answer them because she was teaching and when she heard the audios she got a big surprise, because she found out that they found Minion.

“Hey, I have this dog. His name is Minion, if he is yours please call me back,” was the message Officer Sanford left. The police did not know how long the canine had been missing and when he found out he knew that he would be regarding to witness a very special encounter.

The canine died due to a bad reaction of his body to the anesthesia (Screenshot/YouTube Arizona News)

Minion was taken to the vet once he was reunited with his family and the doctor identified that he had some health problems that needed to be treated in the coming weeks. The canine immediately adapted to his old life with his owners. “It was like he never left,” shared his father, Skip Crandall.

Last week the family took their pet to the clinic to begin treatment. The veterinarian explained that he had to remove some teeth that were in poor condition and during the operation the canine did not react well to the anesthesia and might no longer wake up. .

The dog was intubated to survive, however, its vital signs were weak. “The veterinarian speculated that he had potentially suffered a stroke or heart attack,” Skip said.

The family made the decision to euthanize him because his “best friend” was suffering too much, the veterinarian agreed and his owners were present to say goodbye. The dog’s remains were buried in the backyard from which he escaped 12 years ago and a tree was placed in his honor.

#Minion #adorable #dog #returned #home #decade #goodbye



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