FPÖ – Kassegger: “ÖVP Finance Minister Brunner will not be able to present a stable budget in the fall” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

2023-09-20 15:47:46

“The only thing that plays a role in the government’s considerations is how many billions should be sent back to Ukraine.”

Vienna (OTS) “ÖVP Finance Minister Brunner will not be able to present a stable budget in the autumn. The governing parties are committing a label fraud by talking regarding stable, sustainable and future-oriented budgets. The last budget of this kind was in 2019 – there were even surpluses. The budgets for 2020, 2021 and 2022 were horror budgets – there were deficits in the double-digit billions. And now a 20 billion euro deficit is simply being acknowledged,” criticized FPÖ economics spokesman NAbg today. Axel Kassegger in his contribution to the debate. “The Payment Stabilization Act is regarding increases and authorizations for subsidies in favor of Ukraine, which gives the Finance Minister the authority to grant Ukraine an amount of up to 100 million euros – but we completely reject that,” continued Kassegger.

“In the last four years, debts have exploded extremely – we currently have a debt level of 350 billion euros. This means that this government is completely on the same level as its friends in Brussels, where we can also see a debt explosion. Everything is financed there on credit and with 750 billion euros an extreme dimension has now been reached,” said the FPÖ economic spokesman and continued: “The ÖVP and the Greens are now coming forward and saying that everything is good and Austria is much better because of them crisis came than other countries. Such a statement is a pretty significant loss of reality. I don’t see a single area in which our country got through the crisis better. Incidentally, these crises did not fall from heaven, but were largely produced by the ÖVP and the Greens through excessive reactions during the Corona period – the government closed the country.

“After that, the ÖVP and the Greens did everything completely wrong once more, because in the situation of demand: excess supply, the government did not take price-cutting measures, but rather made transfer payments worth billions. And then you are surprised that inflation is higher in Austria than in other countries. “You have a responsibility to bear,” said the FPÖ economics spokesman in the direction of the government bank.

“The energy crisis and the ‘Green Deal’, which of course means massive ‘greenflation’, a massive increase in energy prices for the whole of Europe, did not fall from heaven either. The same is true of the Russia-Ukraine war. The fact that this war will now last two years is not a matter without alternatives. “The order of the day would be to sit down at the table to create peace,” emphasized Kassegger.

“The only thing that plays a role in the government’s considerations is how many billions should be sent back to Ukraine and who has to pay for it – that would be the EU: the macro-financial aid with seven billion euros, macro-financial aid plus 18 billion, the peace facility 3.6 billion. The reconstruction fund with a further 50 billion euros is now appearing on the EU’s horizon. Austria has already paid over 700 million euros bilaterally. Now please don’t tell us that you know exactly where this money is going – in reality, no one knows for sure. We also know that Ukraine is high on the list of corrupt states,” explained Kassegger.

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