Greens on the child protection package: protect children better, prosecute perpetrators more harshly

2023-09-20 10:33:30

Neßler/Prammer: Every case of abuse is one too many, so prevention is the top priority

Vienna (OTS) “The tragic and disgusting child abuse cases of the last few years have made it clear how big the gaps in child protection are in Austria. We have therefore put together a comprehensive child protection package that takes effect before children even become victims. We have exchanged ideas intensively with experts and are implementing many long-requested and central demands to protect our children from sexual, physical or psychological violence. In 2019, the black-blue coalition failed to adequately reform sexual criminal law. “We’re fixing it now,” say Barbara Neßler, children’s and youth spokesperson for the Greens, and Agnes Prammer, Greens spokesperson for justice, constitution and sport, on today’s Council of Ministers decision on the child protection package.

“On average, there is one child in every school class who has been affected by sexual violence. Far too often people look away. When it comes to child protection, we must not close our eyes, we must not even blink. Protecting our children must be a top priority. That is why there will be mandatory child protection concepts in all schools that protect children from violence. The children’s rights campaign, which is being rolled out nationwide for the first time, is just as important to us. This means that children will be better informed, because every child in Austria should know what an assault is, what their rights are and where they can get help if they are violated,” said Neßler, delighted with the package.

“Behind every depiction of abuse there is a child who is experiencing immeasurable suffering, a little person who is scarred for life. Our top priority is therefore prevention. It should not even get to the point where children become victims of sexual violence. We will therefore apply our child protection concepts not only in schools, but in all areas where it is necessary. We will also ensure that sports clubs are protected and safe places for our children,” says Prammer and continues: “Perpetrators should know that they will be better investigated and punished more harshly in the future. More competent investigators with better technological equipment for work in cyberspace will ensure this. In addition, the increase in the punishment range is intended to reflect the abhorrent nature of the acts of abuse. For example, we are doubling the minimum sentence to one year in prison for all perpetrators who produce or distribute files containing depictions of abuse of underage children and young people.”

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“In sum, all the measures taken will significantly increase the safety of children and young people from attacks. Every child has the right to a life free of violence and parents must also be able to rely on the fact that their children are safe during leisure activities, at school or in sports,” say Neßler and Prammer.

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Green Club in Parliament
+43-1 40110-6317

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