How to inhabit this world | Profile

2023-09-20 10:30:00

To inhabit this world that we have to live in, to be in the present of this century that is so complex and liquid at the same time, survive the daily chaosresolve the tension, of what is urgent at the expense of what is important.

Immediacy made into language, memes as a message, the infodemic, as part of the news, the bullfights, the urgency of not being left out, the economic, the poverty that it exudes, the traffic jams, the cuts, etc. This is part of our daily lives, we know that it makes us sick, we know that we often want to give up, that our mental health is in check.

But then we need coordinates and recalculate our GPS, so as not to fall into negative stresses, saturations, which lead us to be so unmotivated that we lose hope and therefore the meaning of our existence.

The word enthusiasm I especially like it in its etymological sense, although it is almost never applied that way.

In its original meaning, enthusiasm is the state of mind of someone “has a god inside”: an “inner fervor” that seems to come “from some force greater than our own.”

The spirituality It is not exclusive, it is not sectarian and it is one of the many ways to fill us with enthusiasm.

Within what spiritual intelligence is, one of its fundamental fields is that of encountering others, of generosity and service and love for others.

Excitement and disappointment

The encounter with oneself and with others are two fields of spirituality, if we exercise it, we will have more medicine cabinets to inhabit this world, giving is always therapeutic and adds value.

We can say, yes spirituality seeks to be a support for daily well-being, for the reduction of stress and anxiety, or for concentration, and within all this, why not?, for overcoming moderate or serious psychosocial obstacles (emotional, mental disorders, etc.), but always, from a internal perspective, from the construction of one’s own meaning, loaded with significant emotionality for the subject and why not, it will add to another at the same time.

The reader may wonder, what is spiritual intelligence, according to Torralba 1) (2010), it is the capacity that every individual has to carry out an evaluative analysis of their own life, find meaning and live their own existence with wonder and gratitude.

It is worth being more strict, what is understood, then, by the concept of spiritual intelligence, is the faculty of the human being for the evaluative analysis of one’s own existence, ideals and horizons of meaning thereof. Empowers to transcend suffering and pain, and to create values ​​while giving meaning and meaning to our actions. (Torralba, 2010, p. 48).

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The spiritual is related to opennesswith the possibility of transcendencewith being able to question one’s own existence, the value and meaning of oneself and delve into our existence in the world, opening oneself to the different perspectives that are presented not from pure rationality, but from criteria linked to self-improvement. each subject.

Not losing the capacity for wonder, which allows one to marvel at the actions carried out, or, rather, being able to marvel simply at existing, putting oneself before the death of spirituality, and also being able to use it as an antidote to atrophies or isms.

Neurosciences have also shown that Faithand I clarify, faith from spirituality, in all faiths, It is a biological functionthinking or feeling God, transcendence in everything that one can attribute to it, activates brain parts that are in the limbic system.

Better yet, it is part of the frontal lobe, which at activate When faced with spiritual stimuli, be it amazement, tenderness, helping others, smiling, it reduces stress and non-productive anxiety, meaning that people who have developed their spirituality have more medications to deal with symptoms of various illnesses or problems of daily life.

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All human beings have more or less developed spiritual intelligence, and the fundamental task is to enhance it. It is anthropological and fundamentally a personal choice. It appears in childhood, but, like language, it needs a stimulating context.

Spiritual intelligence allows us to go further; It has to do with what unites, with the creation of bridges of relationships. When cultivated, it generates more freedom, reflection and depth in the subject; It supposes a government over one’s own emotions and passions. A self-control that allows us not to respond to violence with violence.

This is primordial intelligence, since human beings are essentially spiritual due to the need to ask themselves regarding the meaning of life and the reason why they should move forward, what makes this or that worthwhile.

From this perspective, building a space, a moment a day, to lower a change, to do a meditation practice, a prayer or just a moment to breathe deeply and drink tea, mate, water, can help you disconnect and be able to focus. inside us.

How to inhabit this world

I know how difficult it is, today, to find a space for silence and reflection or a time for this 5-minute practice and make a change, I know that the reader must be saying that it is impossible, but even in the storm, calm down, play some music soft, connecting with beautiful thoughts, reading a phrase, a prayer or whatever the way, will always add to lowering anxieties or calming anguish.

The presence of a space that favors spiritual development, in a constant way and including all types of beliefs and religions and connected with art and culture, will create a new place, where the people who make up the institutions or our daily task , may have a different meaning.

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Nobody has the keys to happiness for human flourishing, so that we humanize ourselves, but surely, by creating a culture of good treatment, worry-free spaces or places just to go and take a break, we will increase the hormones that impact happiness and We will be at least a little better.
What I propose is a refuge from daily stress.

Spirituality, which seeks, among other things, to be a support for daily well-being, for the reduction of stress and anxiety, the encounter with oneself without excluding the scientific but rather trying to reduce the gap between all types of thoughts. and experiences.

We can try, or give up, but the truth is that it is more worth trying.

*Lic. in Psychology, Lic. in Psychopedagogy USAL, Doctor in Psychology University of Weston, Doctor in Education USAL, Former CONICET researcher, analyst, university professor, researcher, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Psychopedagogy of the University of Salvador

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