Here’s when this asteroid is likely to hit Earth

2023-09-20 05:51:02

Space is full of wonders, but sometimes those wonders can become threatening. Among the threats is an asteroid which, if it hit Earth, would release a force comparable to 22 atomic bombs.

Every decade, Earth crosses paths with asteroids of varying sizes. Some go unnoticed, while others cause concern. Recently, attention has been focused on a dangerous asteroid named Bennu.

The threat of the asteroid Bennu worries NASA in 2182

NASA scientists have discovered something worrying. The asteroid Bennu regularly passes near Earth, every six years to be precise. However, there is a specific date in September 2182 where this asteroid might directly hit us.

While that might sound scary, Science magazine reports that NASA isn’t particularly concerned. Indeed, despite the threat, the probability of such a catastrophe remains low. But it’s serious enough for researchers to be interested in it.

Asteroid Bennu under the microscope

To understand this asteroid, NASA sent Osiris-REx. This mission lasted two years, from 2018 to 2020. During this time, the probe studied Bennu. She revealed that Bennu came from beyond Jupiter. Researchers managed to take a sample from the asteroid. This sample might reveal how planets formed.

But how big is Bennu? Richard Burns of NASA provides some answers. Bennu is big, measuring one kilometer wide. To put it in perspective, that’s twenty times smaller than the asteroid that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. If Bennu were to strike our planet, the effect would be comparable to 22 atomic bombs. But rest assured, it is not big enough to wipe out all life.

Scientists have done calculations. These calculations indicate that if there is a collision, it will take place on September 24, 2182. However, NASA wants to be reassuring. They describe this probability as “extremely low”.

Is this really a danger?

Faced with such a scenario, it is logical to be concerned. But according to experts, there is no need to panic. For what ? Because this possible collision would only take place in the 22nd century. That’s far, far away for most of us. And to add some perspective, according to a recent report from Osiris-REx, the likelihood that this asteroid actually hits Earth is only 0.037%.

Lindley Johnson, a NASA expert, is very reassuring. According to him, there is no need to take immediate action regarding Bennu. That said, NASA still considers it one of the most threatening asteroids and continues to monitor him.

Bennu’s trajectory is also under surveillance. NASA is working hard to understand how it changes over time. Recent data is reassuring. They show that Bennu should not be too close to Earth before September 25, 2135. And even then, its trajectory might not be a direct threat.

Scientists have considered the worst possible scenario. In this eventuality, Bennu would certainly hit Earth by 2135. But even faced with this possibility, they remain optimistic. Johnson himself is confident that steps can be taken to divert Bennu if necessary. And the best part of all this? We still have 50 years to do it.

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