How to Deal with the Invasive Tiger Mosquito Infestation in Bazouges, Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne

2023-09-20 01:40:36

On the terrace, in the garden and sometimes even under the duvet, it is impossible to escape this blood-loving insect. In certain streets of Bazouges in Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne, residents are overwhelmed by this invasive species, whose population has exploded in South Mayenne with the rain and heat of the last two weeks.

“This year, we were stung 4-5 times a day”

In a suburban area of ​​Bazouges, André lives with his wife in a large house with a garden. This summer, they got devoured. “The other years, we had hardly been bitten, says the Castrogontarian. This year, we were stung four or five times a day for around ten days, on the legs, arms, both in the evening and in the morning. It immediately made a little white spot, like a little ball of water. For two or three days, we had red patches.

Frédéric, a pharmacist in Bazouges, sees this type of injection very often. “Someone who will have a small pimple, even with a white ball which will remain localized, it’s not serious, we treat with a gel. After two days, there was nothing left. On the other hand, there is patients who reacted violently. They had extensive stings, the skin a little swollen, hot, hard. In this case, we contact the doctor“, he explains.

In this pharmacy, mosquito repellent products are victims of their success, explains her colleague Ludivine. “The mosquito repellent products are all in the back of the store, to put them in front, we still need a good quantity and there, we don’t have enough. We sold quite a few all summer, we almost have no more.” Still on display in mid-September, all that remains on the shelves are these famous mosquito repellent bracelets. Pharmacists think that many residents might still come to buy some given the heat forecast for this weekend.

The town hall calls on citizens to report the presence of the tiger mosquito

In front of this situation, the town hall decided to react. First step: map the proliferation locations. The mayor of Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne Philippe Henry is counting on the residents. He calls on those who are bothered to contact the town hall. “We need to know today where people are bothered by the tiger mosquito and where since we are going to establish a zone. At this point, we will actually have an action and awareness plan. We know that it is more towards Bazouges, in the western zone. There are a few streets today that are actually affected and we are on a zoning that is sometimes 200 or 300 meters. Once we have mapped precisely, we will hold meetings to give the right actions to take. The idea is really to fight on all locations where there is stagnant water, basins or water reserves that are not closed. These bodies of water must be treated so that there are no breeding areas.

To report the presence of tiger mosquitoes in your home, simply call the Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne town hall switchboard on 02 48 09 55 55.

#bites #increasing #ChâteauGontiersurMayenne



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