How to Feel Comfortable and Confident Going Wig-Free: Overcoming Fears and Communicating with Loved Ones

2023-09-19 13:15:55

Perrine: I wear a wig to please my husband and my children. I’m afraid I’ll make them uncomfortable if I don’t wear it. But in reality, I would prefer to walk around bareheaded or just with a scarf. How to make them understand it?

Sophie Lantheaume: For many people affected by cancer, one of the side effects of treatments is hair loss. The wig is worn with the primary objective of feeling better regarding oneself, in other words to be the same.

The idea is above all to feel comfortable with your choice, to question your fears regarding taking off this wig; Do you fear certain reactions from those around you? Did you talk to them regarding it? Were you able to state your need and desire not to wear it or no longer?

It’s important to feel yourself, free and allowed to be. The wig is an accessory, it is not part of you, it does not define you; the choice to wear it or not is entirely up to you.

#Cancer #psycho #wear #wig

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