Raising Awareness: Important Information about ENT Tract Cancer Symptoms and Risks in France

2023-09-19 08:50:55

Each year, nearly 16,000 new cases of ENT tract cancer are diagnosed in France. From September 18 to 23, the 11th European awareness campaign is taking place under the aegis of the European Head & Neck Society (EHNS) in order to inform the population regarding the symptoms that should not be neglected.

ENT cancers develop in one of the organs forming the upper aerodigestive tract. In detail, it can be: the mouth, the nasopharynx, the oropharynx, the hypopharynx (which make up the pharynx) and the larynx. Men are more affected than women.

Tobacco and alcohol, a dangerous duo

What are the risk factors? As detailed the Incacancers of the mouth, pharynx and larynx are “mainly caused by the consumption of tobacco and alcohol. When used together, the effects of tobacco and alcohol do not add up, they multiply. This is called the synergistic effect on cancer risk of VADS, particularly of the larynx.“.

The symptoms of ENT cancers depend on the location of each tumor, but the signs of the disease are often quite difficult to spot because “very banal” details the Curie Institute. Indeed, among the symptoms, we find: difficulty swallowing, a changed voice, difficulty breathing, throat pain, a canker sore/sore in the mouth or throat, a lump in the neck or face. , and repeated bleeding. “It is the persistence of these signs for more than 3 weeks which should alert and quickly consult a specialist who will then guide the necessary additional investigations.“, recommends the Institut Curie.

VIDEO – Health Record – Dr Christian Recchia: “It is the second most common and deadliest cancer”

#symptoms #ENT #cancer #watch



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