Natural Insulin: Foods to Help Manage Blood Sugar and Prevent Diabetes Complications

2023-09-19 05:46:03

Introduction: Diabetes is also called the “immortal cancer” by many people. Once diabetes is a problem, drug treatment is indispensable for almost a lifetime, and life intervention must be done in daily life, so as to adjust blood sugar levels more effectively. Help reduce the occurrence of diabetes complications.

The occurrence of diabetes is mainly a physical abnormality caused by errors in the regulation of sugar in the body. Since the sugar in the body cannot be converted, it will continue to accumulate in the blood, which will cause blood sugar levels to fluctuate and It will easily increase the occurrence of many serious complications.

In the process of regulating diabetes and hyperglycemia, in addition to adjusting diet, life intervention is also required, especially the adjustment of dietary structure.

After all, eating the wrong food may increase blood sugar levels and cause blood sugar fluctuations, which will affect your health and be detrimental to the stability of your condition.

In fact, many foods in our daily lives are “natural insulin”. If eaten regularly, they can effectively improve the problem of high blood sugar, help prevent diabetes, and reduce the occurrence of diabetic complications.


There are also high-risk groups for high blood sugar. Pay attention to these three types of people

people with family history

If someone in the family has diabetes, the individual’s risk of developing high blood sugar will also increase.

Obese people

Obesity increases insulin resistance, making hyperglycemia more likely.

People with bad living habits

For example, often staying up late, eating unhealthy food, lack of exercise, etc., these habits will cause the body’s metabolism to be disordered and insulin function to be impaired, thus causing high blood sugar.

For these high-risk groups, blood sugar testing should be carried out regularly, as well as maintaining good living habits, avoiding high-sugar diets, and maintaining appropriate exercise to prevent the occurrence of hyperglycemia. If hyperglycemia is found, they should seek medical treatment in time and receive medical treatment. Standard treatment.


What symptoms will the human body experience when blood sugar levels rise?

Polyuria (polyuria)

High blood sugar will cause the kidneys to excessively excrete glucose when they filter the blood, increasing the amount of glucose in the urine, causing frequent urination and polyuria.

thirst (thirstia)

When blood sugar rises, the kidneys eliminate excess urine, causing a loss of water in the body, causing a feeling of thirst.

Hunger (Polyphagia)

High blood sugar causes the body’s cells to be unable to properly use glucose, an important source of energy for cells. As a result, the body feels hungry, leading to an increase in appetite.

weight loss (wasting)

Because cells cannot use glucose efficiently, the body begins to break down fat and muscle for energy, resulting in weight loss.

tired and weak

High blood sugar prevents glucose from entering cells, and cells cannot fully obtain energy, causing people to feel tired, weak, and sluggish.

blurred vision

Elevated blood sugar can cause edema in the eye, affecting the eye’s ability to focus, leading to blurred vision.


Can eating tomatoes often help lower blood sugar?

Tomatoes themselves have no effect on lowering blood sugar.

However, it has a low sugar content and only produces 20 kcal per 100g of tomatoes. It is a low-calorie vegetable, so patients with diabetes can eat it in moderation.

In addition, if diabetic patients feel hungry at night, but the total calories eaten during the day are enough, they can also eat a tomato to reduce hunger and replenish electrolytes. However, diabetic patients should try to add as little or no substances that can increase blood sugar, such as Sugar, oil, etc.


Natural “insulin” has been announced. It is not tomatoes. Eat more when blood sugar is high to prevent diabetes.

Insulin is a particularly important hormone substance in people’s bodies. It can effectively regulate blood sugar levels and promote the utilization and absorption of glucose.

In daily life, we often hear that various foods are called natural insulin. In fact, many foods contain ingredients that can promote the action and secretion of insulin, but cannot directly replace the related functions of insulin.

The following 4 foods can be regarded as “natural insulin”. It is recommended that you eat more of them on a daily basis to more effectively improve the problem of high blood sugar:


Okra is a very healthy vegetable, known as natural “insulin”. It contains a variety of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and flavonoids, which help maintain human health.

Okra contains a substance called mucopolysaccharide, which can inhibit the rise of blood sugar and slow down the absorption of blood sugar. At the same time, mucopolysaccharide can also enhance insulin sensitivity, promote insulin secretion, and better control blood sugar.

Therefore, okra is a vegetable that is very suitable for diabetic patients. In addition to mucopolysaccharides, okra is also rich in dietary fiber, which can delay gastric emptying time, reduce hunger, help control food intake, and achieve weight loss. purpose.


Mulberry is a fruit known as natural “insulin”. It has excellent effects on regulating blood sugar and protecting pancreatic cells. Its high nutritional value makes it one of the ideal dietary choices for diabetic patients.

Mulberry contains a substance called polyphenols, which has a strong antioxidant effect and can effectively protect cells from free radical damage. For patients with diabetes, polyphenols can help resist oxidative stress and maintain the normal function of pancreatic islet cells, thereby effectively controlling blood sugar levels.

In addition, mulberries also contain a substance called DNJ, which has an insulin-like effect and can effectively promote the utilization and metabolism of sugar in cells, thereby lowering blood sugar levels.


As a precious medicinal plant, Qingqian Liu has extensive anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects. It can also regulate blood sugar and blood lipids, and protect important organs such as liver and kidneys.

The magic of Qingqian Liu lies in its unique natural insulin-like ingredients. Studies have found that Qingqian Liu can activate the secretion of insulin in the human body and effectively regulate blood sugar levels, especially for type 2 diabetes, which has a good therapeutic effect.

At the same time, Qingqian Liu can also improve the body’s tolerance to glucose and sensitivity to insulin, effectively preventing the occurrence of diabetic complications. For diabetic patients, Qingqian Liu can often be soaked in water to drink, which can effectively regulate blood sugar levels.


In addition to its delicious meat, salmon is also rich in many nutrients, such as protein, Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. These nutrients have many benefits for people’s health, especially for patients with diabetes.

The meat of salmon is rich in protein, which helps strengthen people’s muscles and physical strength without placing a burden on blood sugar. In addition, Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce triglyceride and cholesterol levels and help prevent cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, in terms of regulating blood sugar, the protein, Omega-3 fatty acids and various nutrients in salmon work together to improve the body’s metabolic and endocrine functions, thereby helping people control blood sugar levels.


People who don’t manage their blood sugar well can’t escape these 5 complications

diabetic retinopathy

Long-term high levels of blood sugar may cause damage to the retinal blood vessels of the eyes, leading to vision loss or even blindness.

diabetic nephropathy

High blood sugar affects the normal function of the kidneys and may lead to kidney failure or the need for kidney dialysis treatment.

diabetic foot

Long-term hyperglycemia may lead to vascular and neuropathy in the lower extremities, increasing the risk of foot ulcers and gangrene.

diabetic neuropathy

It can cause symptoms such as numbness and pain in the hands and feet, and in severe cases may affect muscle function.

diabetes cardiovascular disease

Hyperglycemia will increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, including coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, etc.


To stabilize blood sugar, you must learn these 3 methods

Balanced diet

Choose low GI (glycemic index) foods such as whole grains, vegetables, legumes and healthy fat sources and avoid high GI foods such as sugar, white rice, white bread, etc.

Balance your intake of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats appropriately, and control total calories in your diet to keep your blood sugar stable.

regular exercise

Regular moderate aerobic exercise and strength training can help control blood sugar. Exercise can improve the body’s sensitivity to insulin and help cells better utilize glucose, thereby stabilizing blood sugar.

It is recommended to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise every week, such as brisk walking, swimming, dancing, etc.

manage stress

Chronic stress causes the body to secrete hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which can increase blood sugar levels.

Finding stress management methods that work for you, such as meditation, breathing exercises, yoga, relaxation techniques, etc., can help reduce stress and stabilize blood sugar.

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