Hydrocele: causes, treatments, what is it?

2023-09-18 16:48:32

Definition: what is hydrocele?

L’hydrocele corresponds to a accumulation of fluid in a “pocket” surrounding the testicle. The hydrocele causes a more or less significant increase in volume of a bursa. Hydrocele can cause discomfort, pain or aesthetic damage.

Hydrocele can occur throughout life but is common at birth. In this case we are talking regardingcongenital hydrocele.

Typically, the hydrocele reduces spontaneously or when its cause is eliminated. However, surgical intervention is sometimes necessary to overcome it.

What are the symptoms of hydrocele?

The symptoms usually experienced in cases of hydrocele are:

  • and swelling of one or both testicles. Sometimes the area is more or less swollen depending on the time of day and the ambient temperature;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum (print of a balloon filled with water);
  • a pain especially in case of movements or during sexual intercourse;
  • and discomfort ;
  • and aesthetic complex especially during sexual intercourse and towards the sexual partner.

Testicular hydrocele: how long does it last?

Testicular hydrocele may disappear spontaneously. However, it can last months or even years if the cause is not resolved and.or if no surgical treatment is undertaken.

Is hydrocele dangerous?

The hydrocele is a mild illness. It is not likely to develop into a cancerous tumor. Most of the time, it disappears spontaneously. However, in the event of an unfavorable outcome, if the inflammation increases and the hydrocele increases in size, the risk is a worsening of the clinical signs.

What causes a hydrocele?

The causes of hydrocele differ depending on whether it appears at birth or during life.

Causes of hydrocele in the testicle in adults

In adults, hydrocele can be secondary to:

  • and trauma ;
  • a infection in the scrotum, testicle or epididymis (epididymitis) ;
  • a obstruction in the spermatic cord ;
  • a inguinal hernia surgery ;
  • and cancer.

However, it happens that the hydrocele does not have a clearly established cause. We say she is idiopathic.

The cause of hydrocele in babies

The majority of hydroceles are present at birth. It is estimated that almost 5% of newborn males have a hydrocele. Babies who are born prematurely have a higher risk of having a hydrocele.

Congenital hydrocele is the consequence of a abnormality of closure of the peritoneovaginal canal (channel existing before birth connecting the peritoneal cavity to the vaginal envelope located around the testicle) responsible for fluid effusion around the testicle. Normally this canal is closed at birth. In the event of a hydrocele, this canal does not close (or not completely) following birth, allowing the fluid contained in the peritoneal cavity to communicate with the testicular vagina. We then talk regardingcommunicating hydrocele.

Diagnosis: how to know if you have a hydrocele?

In the event of suggestive signs, the diagnosis can be confirmed to you by the doctor using a physical examinationtesticles and a ultrasound (which makes it possible to eliminate differential diagnoses such as a tumor for example). Of the analyzed the song can also be prescribed to detect a possible infection.

Treatment: how to make a hydrocele disappear?

The hydrocele may disappear spontaneously or once its cause has been eliminated.

There is no medical treatment for hydrocele. A puncture or injection of sclerosing product can be proposed, but the risk of recurrence is significant. The only effective solution is therefore surgery.

Hydrocele: when should you operate?

A hydrocele that persists or worsens must be operated on or the clinical signs may worsen.

The intervention takes place under general or loco-regional anesthesia. It is carried out through an incision at the level of the bursa. It consists of removing the pocket of fluid or gathering it depending on the anomalies encountered during the procedure. A drain can be left in place temporarily.

The intervention may sometimes require 1 or 2 day(s) of hospitalization. Pain and swelling at the incision site are usually minimal and temporary. Convalescence and sick leave are appropriate. A follow-up consultation with the urologist is planned a few weeks following the procedure.

In the majority of cases, this operation takes place without complications. However, the risks associated with anesthesia remain present. Complications directly related to the procedure are rare, but possible (hematoma(s), delayed healing, infection, testicular atrophy, recurrence, etc.).

#Hydrocele #treatments



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