September 19, 1893: The British colony of New Zealand became the first country to grant women the right to vote

2023-09-18 22:04:33

On Tuesday, September 19th, the book of history records, among other things:

1668: Emperor Leopold I banned dueling, which was widespread throughout the German Empire.
1783: In France, the first hot air balloon (“Montgolfière”) by the brothers Jacques-Etienne and Joseph-Michel de Montgolfier rises in front of a huge crowd with “crew” – a sheep, a duck and a chicken. The start takes place in the presence of King Louis XVI. in front of the Palace of Versailles. The three aviation pioneers survive the two-kilometer flight unscathed.
1888: The first European beauty contest takes place in the Belgian spa spa. 21 of the 350 applicants reach the final, where an all-male jury selects them behind closed doors. The first winner of the competition is Marthe Soucaret from Guadeloupe.
1893: The British colony of New Zealand was the first country to grant women the right to vote.
1908: World premiere of Gustav Mahler’s 7th Symphony in Prague.
1918: US President Woodrow Wilson’s response to Emperor Charles I’s peace note of September 14th arrives in Vienna. Wilson refers to his “14 points”, in particular the right of self-determination of peoples, as the basis for a peace order.
1918: English troops break through the German-Turkish front in Palestine between Jaffa and Haifa.
1968: Czechoslovak Foreign Minister Jiří Hájek resigns under Soviet pressure.
1983: The USA is intervening in the fighting in Lebanon for the first time to protect the soldiers of its peacekeeping force.
1988: Carinthian Governor Leopold Wagner resigns. His successor is Peter Ambrozy.
2003: The Afghan government of President Hamid Karzai passes a law on the establishment of political parties.

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Birthdays: Giuseppe Saragat, Italian politician (1898-1988); Hermann Juch, Eastern. theater director (1908-1995); Mika Waltari, Finnish writer (1908-1979); Victor Frederick Weisskopf, US nuclear physicist. origin (1908-2002); Adam West, US actor (“Batman”) (1928-2017); Willi Tremper, German writer (1928-1998); Bruno Dallansky, Eastern actor (1928-2008); Jeremy Irons, British actor (1948); Lila Downs, Mexican-U.S. Amer. Singer (1968).
Days of death: Bruno Pittermann, Eastern. politician (1905-1983); Wolfgang Kraus, Eastern Writer/publicist (1924-1998); Slim Dusty, Australian. country musician (1927-2003); Frank Lowe, US jazz saxophonist (1943-2003).
Name days: Berthold, Arnulf, Wilma, Januaryis, Wilhelmine, Siegwald, Sidonia, Igor, Albert, Lucia.

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