Tragic Crime: Investigating the Mysterious Death of Venezuelan Woman Found on Huacho Beach in Peru

2023-09-18 12:26:11

Events.- The National Police of Peru (PNP) investigates the horrible crime of a Venezuelan woman found dead on Hornillos de Huacho beach, north of Lima, Peru.

Local media identified the victim as Yosmeri Eliana Bracamonte Longa (26).

According to the first investigations, the young Venezuelan woman would be a victim of a human trafficking mafia.

Venezuelan corpse

Bracamonte Longa would have been identified by a friend, due to her physical characteristics and the tattoo engraved on one of her arms.

The body was face down and riddled with at least 14 projectile impacts. Apparently, the young woman had been taken to the beach as a kidnapping.

Likewise, it was learned that the deceased worked in a market and presumably as a companion.

Likewise, it was learned that until now the authorities are investigating revenge as the motive for the event.

Fuente: 2001

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