Changes in Women’s Health at 30: How to Take Care of Yourself and Stay Healthy

2023-09-18 10:56:25

Examine changes in women’s health when they reach 30 years of age because they get older. The body will change more as well. Along with how to take care of yourself Check the list of interesting health check programs. No matter how much change you have, you can handle it.

Change is something that can happen to all women, especially women. Changes in women’s health when they reach 30 As you enter the working age, your responsibilities will increase as your age increases. The result is daily stress. that greatly affects health

When women enter their 30s, they have to take extra care of themselves. Especially health problems Deterioration within the body over time

Today Thaiger will summarize to make it easy to understand how our women’s bodies will change. And women at this age have ways to deal with health problems. And how to take care of yourself? Along with a checklist of interesting health check programs To keep your health bright and strong

Changes in women’s bodies When you reach the age of 30, it affects your health.

1. Healthy body makes it easier to get sick

As we age, our body’s immune system decreases. Women at this age need to be careful regarding their diet. Because there may be a risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and hypercholesterolemia. Including various seasonal diseases that may be mixed in with the air and pollution. In addition, you must be careful regarding diseases that occur in women, such as cervical cancer. Ovarian cysts: Women aged 30 and up should regularly check their health. In order to plan treatment in a timely manner in cases where serious disease is detected.

2. Metabolic rate starts to decrease.

When I was a girl, no matter how much I ate, I didn’t get fat. As I get older, I still gain weight when I eat salad. This is because of changes in hormone levels. Makes it more difficult for the body to burn fat and sugar. As a result, it’s easier to get fat than before. Even if you eat the same amount.

3. More sensitive than before

During working age, there are many things to worry regarding. Hormonal changes can also make one more sensitive. unstable mood Easily agitated, irritable, and also restless. until affecting sleep Because it’s harder to sleep The memory system began to have problems once more.

4. Hair begins to fall out.

Although hair begins to fall out from a young age But when you reach the age of regarding 30 years, your hair’s life cycle will start to shorten. Hair falls more frequently and unable to create new hair in time Makes the hair look thinner Including the hormone estrogen (Estrogen) is less, causing the hair to become smaller, dry, frizzy, weak and fall out easily. In addition, stress from daily life in working age and eating It is also another factor that causes hair to fall out more easily.

5. Decreased sexual hormones

At the age of 30, some women may begin to get married and have families. But if you don’t have children yet, this will start to be a problem. Because sexual hormones begin to decrease Some of you may not have the need. I don’t want to have sex with my lover. Including weak ovaries As a result, pregnancy is more difficult.

6. Less youthful hormones

Not only sexual hormones The important growth hormone, Growth Hormone, is also produced less. Affects the metabolic system skin elasticity And it is a part that causes your body to deteriorate. Because when you’re 30 years old and above, your growth hormone level will only be 40% compared to your teenage years.

7. Farsightedness begins to arrive.

At a young age, myopia is nearsighted. By the age of 30, farsightedness begins to take its place. But some people may experience farsightedness and nearsightedness at the same time. In addition to eye problems arising from aging. Daily routines spent in front of computer screens and phone screens It also results in long-term eye problems.

8. Bone mass begins to thin.

Many of you may think Decreased bone mass occurs only in the elderly. But in women who reach the age of 30, bone mass can also decrease. Because the accumulation of calcium in the bones will gradually decrease until entering menopause. If left unattended Do not eat foods that strengthen bones and teeth. Osteoporosis may follow.

9. Oral problems

The problem of health changes is not over yet. Because oral problems are a problem that can occur in women aged 30 years because the body produces less saliva. Thinning of tooth enamel Moreover, the teeth began to grow further apart. Makes it easier for food particles to get stuck between your teeth. Resulting in easy tooth decay. The problem of gum disease followed. If not treated properly Teeth may be lost prematurely.

10. The youthfulness of the face is reduced.

What a 30 year old woman must experience is Wrinkles on the face As we age, wrinkles become more apparent. Starting from the forehead, around the eyes, corners of the mouth, all kinds of spots all over the face. Including dark circles caused by dust and pollution. If any women don’t like to use skin care products. Or apply sunscreen regularly every time before going out in the sun. This increases the risk of wrinkles and crow’s feet even more.

How to cope with health problems and take care of yourself

1. Eat food from all 5 food groups and every meal. So that the body receives complete nutrition including vitamins, minerals, protein, fat and carbohydrates.

2. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Because fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals. Helps stimulate excretion Helps balance enzymes and hormones in the body. To work efficiently Including strengthening the body’s immune system.

3. Avoid spicy food. and foods that are sweet, oily, and salty, including fast food. Prepared food, processed food, frozen food because they are high in sodium and fat. Cause various diseases to follow.

4. Get enough rest. Get a good night’s sleep. At least 7 – 8 hours a day and sleeping before 10 PM is best. Because you will have complete rest. Helps the body repair efficiently

5. Exercise regularly 3 – 4 days a week, 30 – 60 minutes a day. You may choose light exercise such as cardio, brisk walking, cycling to help tighten your figure. Strengthens muscles and strengthens the heart

6. Control stress Don’t worry too much. May avoid continuous hard work or doing activities that cause stress Try to find a holiday to relax. and give the brain some rest

7. As we age, it is normal for facial skin to become wrinkled, shriveled, and dull. But we can choose to use the right cream or skin care. To make your face bright Look younger, such as always applying sunscreen before going out in the sun. Choose skin care products that are suitable for your skin type. or use vitamin C To reduce dark spots Adjust the skin to be bright, etc.

What health checks should I do?

When women reach the age of 30, their bodies undergo changes in various aspects. It is important to have a health check up every year to check your body. In addition to checking hormone balance blood sugar level and female health It also helps screen and assess the risk of various diseases in order to increase the chance of treatment in cases where serious diseases are detected. Interesting health check programs are as follows:

General physical examination (Physical Examination) including weight, height, BMI and blood pressure. Chest X-ray (Chest Triglycerides (Triglyceride), check the level of good blood fats (HDL), check the level of bad blood fats (LDL), urine test (Urinalysis), internal exam every 1 – 2 years, cervical cancer screening every 3-5 years, breast exam. Every 3 years, the doctor examines and assesses the risk of coronary heart disease. Check for hepatitis B virus Kidney function test (Creatinine), Liver function test (SGPT), Gout risk test (Uric Acid)

Health examinations, in addition to helping assess the risk of various diseases, also help us know. What are the chemicals in the blood? Is the fat level too high? Or is the body lacking any vitamins? Because normally the body does not clearly show which vitamin it is lacking.

Working woman You can choose to take supplements or vitamins. If you have a physical examination and find that you are lacking vitamins such as Vitamin D, which helps with bones and joints, Vitamin B2, which helps with the strength of nails and hair, Vitamin A, which helps with eyesight, etc., you may consult a doctor or pharmacist. In order to eat safely and not take more vitamins than the body needs.

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Even following entering your 30s, your physical health will change. But women can handle it. With the method of taking care of your body that the Thaiger team has brought to you today. Ready to deal with every change in health Whether of working age or what age? Definitely healthy and bright from the inside out.

refer : 1. The Crystal Health Clinic 2. Phyathai Hospital

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