Promoting Animal Welfare in Poultry Hatcheries: Ceva Animal Health’s Commitment and Innovative Services

2023-09-18 11:38:16

Ceva Animal Health shows its maximum commitment to animal welfare through the multiple tools and services that it has been developing and implementing in the poultry sector. As a pioneering company, it helps livestock companies detect and improve those points that may be critical in obtaining healthy, quality chicken. The Poultry Unit has specialized in an essential part of production: hatcheries, where today there are few tools implemented that promote animal welfare.

To this end, the Poultry team has developed the Early Health service, which includes a package of services focused on evaluating the critical points that can impact chicks from an early stage. This service covers aspects related to breeders, the hatchery, transport, fattening farms and animal welfare.

Given the importance of this first stage within the chicken production cycle, and taking into account the high number of animals managed in current hatcheries, Ceva Animal Health is committed to expanding services and knowledge in animal welfare in this area. . For this reason, it is working on the development of a protocol for evaluating the well-being of chicks in incubation rooms. This is a pilot proposal that describes the procedures and requirements for evaluating the well-being of chicks during their stay in the hatchery, including transportation. In this way it will be possible to provide process improvement measures in order to increase their well-being.

These services complement the current CHIK program, a service developed and in operation for 15 years. The objective of Ceva Animal Health is to have a team of specialists who visit the incubation rooms daily to guarantee correct vaccination, including checking whether the vaccines are stored, prepared and administered correctly, in addition to providing continuous training to the operators. .

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