Benestarum: Online Counseling Sessions for Mind and Body Wellness in Just 20 Minutes

2023-09-18 10:41:52

How long have you been looking for the perfect time to take care of yourself? Did you know that you can do it in sessions of just 20 minutes? No. It’s not a nap, although it might be. These are online counseling sessions for your mind and body that will improve your daily life and will also create a positive environment in the company.

All this is what it offers of welfare, an online platform that aims to offer wellness services through 20-minute counseling sessions that can be easily integrated into the daily agendas of working people. The main objective is to prevent mental and physical health problems, promoting a healthier work environment.

How does it work?

On the same platform you will find different professionals at your disposal to accompany you in personalized 20-minute sessions. Nutrition, psychology, physiotherapy, personal training and much more… all within reach with a single click.

“In 20 minutes we understand each person’s problem or concern and provide them with advice and practical tools adapted to their daily life with the aim of improving their situation,” explains María del Mar, Benestarum psychologist.

What services do you offer?

Physical accompaniment: It is key because who doesn’t have back or muscle pain in general? The Benestarum physiotherapy team knows this and they are waiting for you to tell them where it hurts.

Emotional support: stress, anxiety, personal problems… Whatever the problem, the psychology team accompanies people to face any emotionally complicated situation.

Nutritional advice: Take care of your diet 365 days a year. Get advice on nutrition and answer questions such as which foods are best for stressful times or which foods are most recommended if you have a work shift or another.

Personal training: The personal trainer helps improve each person’s physical condition through individualized training sessions.

Meditation and yoga: If ruminative and obsessive thoughts don’t go away from your head, learn to calm your mind and manage stress and anxiety with meditation sessions.

Visual education: Do you think your eyesight is failing and you need glasses? Wait, don’t rush, because, perhaps, before using them, you need advice and tools to educate the way you look that will prevent eye discomfort.

Energy support: personalized advice to save on water, electricity and gas bills? At Benestarum it is possible.

Guidance on public aid: advice on public aid and subsidies available to each person.

In addition, they also offer group sessions adapted to the needs of each companyfrom a session on how to manage stress to another on learning how to file your income tax return.

Offering all these services to the workers in your company will allow you to understand their concerns and interests, and you will make them more involved with the project by feeling part of it.

And how much is all this worth?

Here comes an important part. The prices son personalized, and you have to contact the Benestarum team to adapt it to the needs of your company. In any case, it is a more affordable investment than you think and that will considerably improve your quality of life and that of the company.

If you think the time has come to take action and you want more information, or you simply want to browse the platform for free, fill out the following form.

#Workplace #wellbeing #minutes #small #breaks #big #RRHH #Press



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