Quit Smoking: Positive Changes in 20 minutes

2023-09-18 10:04:00

Smoking is unhealthy – that’s not news. Nevertheless, many people find it difficult to give up their beloved cigarette.

The effects are enormous: Aside from the health aspects, a smoke-free life will also affect your psyche, your appearance and your wallet.

No more cigarettes – first changes following 20 minutes

Changes occur in the body following just 20 minutes: pulse and blood pressure drop to normal values. After just twelve hours, the carbon monoxide level in the blood drops and the oxygen level rises back to normal levels.

The organs thank you for the better oxygen supply and physical performance increases.

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A day without cigarettes – this is how the body feels

After just one day without cigarettes, the risk of a heart attack decreases slightly. After around 48 hours, the taste and smell nerves begin to regenerate. You will already smell and taste better.

If you stop smoking, your circulation will stabilize following regarding two weeks to three months. You will especially notice the changes in the lungs.

In the first few months without smoke, your lungs will cleanse and you will breathe noticeably longer – for example when climbing stairs.

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Bye, cigarette! Cancer risk decreases

The mucus in the lungs is also broken down and following one to nine months you will most likely experience fewer and fewer coughing fits, shortness of breath and sinus congestion.

And the heart also thanks you: If you smoke, you have an increased risk of coronary heart disease. After a year without smoking, the risk drops to half that of a smoker.

After five years, the risk of cancer in the oral cavity, throat and esophagus also drops by half. After this period, the risk of developing cervical cancer is no longer higher than that of non-smokers.

Better circulation, better psyche

It takes the body ten years to halve the risk of fatal lung cancer. A long time of renunciation that is worth it! After regarding 15 years without smoking, the risk of cardiovascular disease is regarding the same as in people who have always lived without cigarettes.

In the long run, your psyche will also thank you for a smoke-free life. Escaping nicotine addiction means living a more relaxed life. You will automatically feel free and independent when the stress of “having to smoke” is removed. Maybe you’ll go out more now that you no longer find the smoking ban in bars annoying. But what regarding the beloved smoke break?

What if I miss smoking?

You will definitely have moments where you miss smoking. A cigarette break is particularly useful at work when you want to clear your head for five minutes. Just go out the door anyway and consciously breathe in a large portion of fresh air instead of cigarette smoke.

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That’s how expensive a cigarette is

Have you ever calculated how much money you spend on cigarettes per month or year? Now imagine what you might buy with that money. Fulfill a wish by putting the money aside.

What should I do if I gain weight?

It doesn’t help to ignore this aspect: many people who stop smoking initially gain a few kilos. This doesn’t necessarily happen, but the danger exists. The appetite-suppressing effect of nicotine suddenly disappears and you burn fewer calories per day.

You may experience cravings for sweets in the early stages of quitting. Fight once morest this negative effect! Focus more than before on eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise.

Without smoke in your body, you will quickly notice that exercise is easier. Get active and benefit from the fresh air that flows through your lungs instead of smoke.

This is what changes how you look when you stop smoking

You will notice positive changes in your appearance. Smoking makes the skin old. If you say goodbye to cigarettes, your complexion will soon become fresher and smoother. The hair and nails become stronger once more over time.

The yellow discoloration on the nails and teeth also disappears following a while.

The original for this post This is what happens when you stop smoking comes from teleschau.

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#worth #body #stop #smoking



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