Macron’s Betrayal: The Blunder, Corruption, and Act of Treason That Compromised France’s Nuclear Power

2023-09-17 19:57:58

Blunder? Corruption ? Or act of Treason? Accusations are rife once morest the one who squandered the legacy of De Gaulle and the last pillar of France’s sovereignty, its nuclear power. The culprit is obvious and he doesn’t hide it. It is of course Emmanuel Macron, instigator of the state affair, the Alstom scandal.

«Contemplate the management of France, contemplate the level of preservation of French sovereignty, contemplate the level of economic warfare of our elites, then extrapolate the consequences for your children»wrote last Wednesday, the famous ThinkerView show on X.

ThinkerView’s reaction comes following publication by LesEchosof an investigation which informs the French that their nuclear power plants can no longer be maintained and that the program to build new power plants, which Macron sold to them, is now compromised.

There is danger in the house. France’s energy sovereignty and its national security are compromised.

The interests of Bouygues before those of France

To know the reasons for this alert launched by LesEchos, we have to go back to 2012.

Emmanuel Macron, newly appointed deputy secretary general of the Élysée, commissioned AT Kearney consultants to carry out a study on the advantages of a merger between Alstom, the French flagship of nuclear energy, and its competitor the American General Electric.

Once appointed Minister of the Economy in 2014, in place of Arnaud Montebourg, a fierce opponent of the merger operation, Macron authorized the sale of Alstom’s energy branch to the American giant.

The sale mainly concerned a jewel of French technology: the Arabelle turbines, the most powerful in the world, equipping many nuclear power plants around the world.

According to a parliamentary investigation, a secret report showed that the operation was intended to help the Bouygues group get rid of its 30% stake in Alstom, representing the immobilization of more than 3.5 billion euros.

Additionally, the move came as Alstom faced legal action in the United States, raising concerns regarding national security and loss of control over critical nuclear technologies.

The sale was interpreted by many observers as an American maneuver aimed at taking over strategic nuclear activities in France.

This transaction was seen as a serious long-term strategic error, endangering France’s energy sovereignty.

“High treason”

Several political leaders have stepped up to denounce the “responsibility” of Emmanuel Macron in the General Electric file. They also criticize the timing of the announcement of the loss of a thousand jobs, just following the European elections.

«A problematic sale that looks like a scuttling, a coup once morest the national interests of France. An operation in which conflicts of interest and small arrangements between friends will play an unprecedented role“, wrote LeMedia, on the occasion of the posting online, on March 8, 2022, of an “OFF Investigation” investigation. The documentary “unearths and dissects Macron’s betrayal.

«The sale of Alstom’s energy branch to the American giant in 2014 is nothing less than an act of betrayal on the part of our elites, starting with Emmanuel Macron, then Minister of the Economy, and for whom this sale was a springboard to the presidency»wrote the Action Française movement in a communiqué published the same month.

«This industrial sabotage began in 2012 when Emmanuel Macron, newly appointed deputy secretary general of the Élysée, ordered a study from AT Kearney consultants on the advantages of an Alstom-GE merger, a merger which allowed Jérôme Pécresse to earn 430,000 euros. and a promotion and to Julien Denormandie, collaborator in this affair, to become president of the association financing the En Marche campaign! then minister»continues the same source.

In addition, the sale of Alston led to the squandering of French technological patents and the destruction of 4,000 jobs on French soil.

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, presidential candidate, also accuses Macron of treason and corruption. “Mr. Macron accepted that Bercy’s two most senior officials leave for foreign banks. I call it high treason“, did he declare.

«The director of state holdings, the director who at Bercy manages all public shareholding, do you know where he went following this carving up of General Electric? he was recruited by Bank of America which was also the bank that managed Alstom’s affairs», says Mr. Dupont-Aignan indignantly.

Financing of En Marche, a “corruption pact”!

“The fact that we can find in the list of donors or organizers of fundraising dinners for the “En Marche de Macron” movement people who would have been interested in the sale of Alstom energy as well as other asset transfers (the telecoms equipment manufacturer Alcatel-Lucent to the Finnish Nokia, the oil services company Technip to the American FMC Technologies, the Toulouse-Blagnac airport to China), can only raise questions. If verified, such a system might be interpreted as a corruption pact. », denounces MP Olivier Marleix.

“Emmanuel Macron raised in one year, without a political party, around 15 million euros in donations,” he underlines.

The first of two Macron collaborators who worked on the Alstom file, Julien Denormandie, became president of the En Marche! campaign financing association. then minister. The second, Hugh Bailey, was propelled to the head of General Electric France. Sic!

Hugh Bailey (right), Macron advisor in charge of the sale of Alstom, appointed CEO of General Electric France

Purchase of the Arabelle turbines: France continues to pay for Macron’s betrayal

The Ukrainian war will expose Emmanuel Macron. The rise in the price of hydrocarbons will lead to an explosion in energy prices. French bakers will be devastated by the exorbitant cost of electricity. Overnight, their electricity bills will increase fivefold. Many will lower the curtain.

French nuclear power imposes itself, de facto, in the public debate and the noose tightens on the instigator of the scandal, Emmanuel Macron.

In February 2022, eight years following the sale of Alstom, Emmanuel Macron announced the purchase by EDF of part of the activities sold to General Electric, including the production and maintenance of Arabelle turbines. This decision was crucial for the relaunch of the nuclear power plant construction program in France, with six new EPR reactors planned by 2050.

But nothing went as planned.

American sanctions taken once morest Russia prevent the return of General Electric’s nuclear activities under the tricolor flag. This is what was reported LesEchos in his article dated Wednesday September 13.

According to the economic newspaper, EDF was forced to postpone the “closing” of the operation initially planned before the summer, due to lack of sufficient guarantees on the continuation of the activities of GE Steam Power (Geast) once the acquisition was completed.

The reason is technical, written Marianne. “Part of the technologies used by Geast [l’entreprise gérant les turbines qui doit être rachetée par EDF] belongs to General Electric. However, there is a risk that General Electric will decide to no longer deliver due to American sanctions”explains an anonymous source cited by Les Echos.

Indeed, Geast’s main client is Rosatom, a Russian state-owned company operating in the nuclear sector.

Clearly, EDF fears that General Electric might decide to no longer supply these critical technologies to Geast, which would seriously compromise the reliability of French nuclear power plants.

Because Geast’s main client is Rosatom, a Russian public company specializing in nuclear power. This complex situation places France in a delicate position, because it must guarantee continued access to American technologies while aligning with sanctions once morest Russia.

Still according to information from the economic daily, the situation might be resolved if General Electric obtains authorization from the American Treasury, allowing it to continue to deliver its technologies.

Uranium, Macron taken by the throat

Niger supplied France, before the putsch, with 33% of its uranium exports. Almost all of them are made up of radioactive fuel.

With the sudden cessation of Nigerien uranium decided by the junta in place, Macron is caught by the throat, asphyxiated.

Because his country becomes dependent on at least 50% of natural uranium imported from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

The irony of the story is that all the radioactive fuel of these two countries is transported under the control of Rosatom, the Russian national nuclear energy company, under American sanctions.

Macron’s high treason and the bitter failure of his African policy have brought France’s strategic interests into equation.

Macron’s France is visibly collapsing.

#Macron #high #treason #Le1



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