Controversial Video of Federico Gutiérrez Dancing with Mystery Woman Sparks Debate on Faithfulness and Politics

2023-09-17 21:53:00

Recently, a video went viral in which Federico Gutiérrez, one of the most recognized politicians in the city of Medellín, appears dancing very ‘candy’ with a beautiful blonde. The images are news because they are one of the most famous men, who aspires to once once more occupy the position of Mayor in the capital of Paisa.

In the record that was shared through the social network X, you can see how the politician dances with a woman very similar to his wife, Margarita Gómez. However, the identity of this person has not been confirmed.

What is a reality is that the faces of both women present certain differences. On the one hand, the blonde in the video looks thinner and whiter in her skin complexion. On the other hand, there is his wife, who has less marked features, darker skin and a lighter shade of hair. However, it is reiterated, the information is not official.

For now, Federico Gutiérrez has preferred to remain silent and has not spoken to the media.

Despite this, the topic has generated a whole debate around politics and alcohol.

Was he faithful or unfaithful? Judge for yourself

#Drunk #unfaithful #Fico #Gutiérrez #appeared #dancing #sensually #beautiful #blonde



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