Paraguay Reports Hantavirus Outbreak in Chaco Region: Latest Updates, Symptoms, and Prevention Tips

2023-09-17 22:17:00

Health authorities in Paraguay are reporting nine cases and three confirmed deaths due to hantavirus since the start of 2023. All were recorded in the three departments of Chaco Paraguayan (BoqueronDepartment of President Hayes, Upper Paraguay)

So far in 2023, at the national level, a total of 88 notifications of suspected hantavirus have been recorded, of which 43 have been ruled out, 9 have been confirmed and 41 cases remain suspected of this disease. According to the probable location of contagion, five cases correspond to the department of Boquerón, one to Alto Paraguay and three to Presidente Hayes. In total, three deaths were recorded from this cause.

Hantavirus infection is an endemic disease in the Chaco region, with an increase in the number of cases during periods of severe drought and opening of silos.

The virus involved in these cases is not indicated. It is possible that it is the virus Black Lagoona hantavirus responsible for cas Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome in Paraguay. The reservoir of this virus is a rodent: Calomys laucha et Calomys callosum.

Teams from the Chaco Health Regions of the Ministry of Health frequently intervene to promote health and care within the community, particularly among silo workers. It is recommended to use protective masks in these places and in warehouses where animal feed is stored for a long time. Likewise, it is important to ventilate and keep closed environments clean, to moisten the floor before cleaning it, in order to avoid inhaling viral particles that can be spread through dust; avoid contact with small mice and their burrows, and do not disturb their shelters.

Reminders on Hantavirus of the New World

New World Hantaviruses, viruses belonging to the Bunyaviridae family, are responsible for a potentially fatal syndrome, hantavirus pulmonary syndrome.

Symptoms usually occur 2-4 weeks following exposure to the virus. The first symptoms are a flu syndrome associated with digestive disorders. Then 1 to 5 days following the onset of symptoms, hantavirus pulmonary syndrome occurs, which combines fever, cough and difficulty breathing. The progression can be towards respiratory distress syndrome and hypotension or even shock.

There is no specific treatment or vaccine.

The reservoir animal is a rodent whose species varies depending on the region of the world. Humans are an accidental host of these viruses which can be transmitted by inhalation of aerosols contaminated with feces or urine of infected rodents or by direct contact with living or dead infected rodents or with feces or urine of these rodents.

Prevention for the traveler: The best way to protect yourself is to avoid coming into contact with rodents and their droppings, urine or saliva.


Always store food, water and trash in metal or heavy plastic containers with tight-fitting lids. Do not leave food or water for your dog or cat outside overnight. When hiking or camping: Use designated sites for camping. Do not sleep in direct contact with the grass: use a backdrop or tent with a door. Travel on trails. Avoid areas where rodents have dug burrows or left droppings. It is always wise to consume bottled water or purified water, and do not collect wild fruits in areas where the presence of rodents is evident. Maintain good hand and food hygiene.


If you find a dead rodent: Spray it with disinfectant or bleach. Always wear rubber or plastic gloves when handling it. Place the rodents in a plastic bag, seal it tightly and drop it off. it in a waterproof bin. Tips for cleaning houses and areas around houses: Wear surgical masks if there are proven rodents, glasses and gloves Moisten before sweeping Use bleach to disinfect. Remember to disinfect your cleaning equipment (mop, etc.) Do not attract mice: always clean up spilled or fallen food; following eating, wash the dishes immediately. Maintain good hand hygiene

Source : Outbreak News Today

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