68% of the voters voted and there is expectation for the result

2023-09-17 21:10:00

The province of Chacho She was the second to elect governor in the month of September, following the elections held last Sunday in Santa Fe. Once once more there is a glimpse a polarized election by two forces: the peronism led by current president Jorge Capitanich y Together for Change, which leads to Leandro Zdero as a candidate.

Shortly following the elections in Chaco ended, the local government reported that participation in the day was regarding 68%regarding 5 points more than in the PASO, and anticipated that They will communicate the first results following 9 p.m.

In reality, by law we cannot do it before 9 p.m., so at that time we understand that we are going to have some data with an important trend“explained Juan Manuel Chapo, official spokesperson for the current provincial president, Jorge Capitanich, who is seeking re-election.

When giving a press conference at the Government House, the official assured that the day “passed calmly”, despite “some specific cases”, such as “the systematic theft of ballots, which occurred in more than half of the Resistance schools.

In addition, Chapo once once more questioned the statements made earlier by the main opposition candidate, the provincial deputy of the Radical Civic Union (UCR) Leandro Zdero, considering that he made them “flagrantly violating the law and the electoral ban.”

“We have a participation that will be around 68%, a figure that will be higher in Resistencia, where it will be around 70%. The election, except for minor incidents and specific cases, took place normally,” he noted.

2023 elections in Chaco: Capitanich’s vote alone

The governor of Chaco, Jorge Capitanich, was the first voter. Before entering school, He spoke with the media and expressed hope that more people would vote than in the PASO when they went to vote at the Maestro Ricardo Ivancovich school.

Capitanich voted alone. He entered the school and they closed the door of the establishment. Without other voters, the Chaco governor entered before 8 and spoke with polling station authorities, minutes before the electoral ceremony opened.

The governor trusted that “the count can be very fast”, although he did not give the approximate time when the first results of the local elections will be known.

“The count can be very fast, so that we can have an evaluation of the results as soon as possible,” he anticipated, within the framework of an election day that will end at 6 p.m., following which a press conference will be held at Government House.

The leader assessed that electoral participation will be higher than the provincial PASO, and will be between 73% to 75% according to the average of the last five provincial elections.

Asked regarding the electoral strategy, the provincial leader noted that they held “170 close and proximity meetings with the aim of establishing a common agenda with the neighbors, so that ours is part of a scenario of permanent work with the citizenship”.

On the other hand, he highlighted the security operation arranged by the provincial government to guarantee the normal development of the elections and said that It was ordered that the Police deploy “more than 4,000 agents”, as well as the transparency and autonomy of the process.

2023 elections in Chaco: Zdero, candidate for Together for Change, criticized Capitanich’s management and called for “hope”

Leandro Zdero, the main opposition candidate for governor of the province of Chaco for Together for Change, issued strong criticism of the current management and called for hope in the provincial elections. AND

Calling on citizens, Zdero stated that «“Too many years of lying, people realized, there is an end to the cycle,” in reference to the long years of mandate of the current governor, Jorge Capitanich, who is seeking his fourth term.

The winner of the provincial PASO in Chaco urged the population to exercise their right to vote, highlighting that “it is the most powerful weapon that citizens have.” In his message of hope, Zdero expressed: “Poder turn the page in our province, leave resignation behind. Today we Chaqueños have a great opportunity to make history«.

Besides, announced that the presidential candidate of Together for Change, Patricia Bullrich, would be present in the province that night in support of her candidacy.

In relation to the shocking case of the femicide of Cecilia Strzyzowski, which mobilized and moved the province – even in the PASO elections -, Zdero commented: «We have been working on these issues for a long time. “We have always wanted to have the Cecilia case out of the electoral process out of respect for the family, but that exposed a reality that was an open secret: parallel friends who became millionaires at the expense of people who were becoming poorer.” And he added: “That’s what I call this province of impunity and I hope the people of Chaco are encouraged to make history.”

2023 elections in Chaco: the request of Gloria Romero, mother of Cecilia Strzyzowski

Gloria Romero, Cecilia Strzyzowski’s mother, used her Instagram account to send a message to the people of Chaco who are electing governor this Sunday. “Vote with your heart and not with your pockets.”“said the woman who decided to leave the province to preserve the safety of her other daughter.

The political mafia killed my daughter and they are still attacking me“Gloria said in a video that she receives “between 30 and 40” anonymous messages daily on her social networks with death threats.

Then, in a story, he uploaded the image of the province with the legend: “Chaco Force. Lay eggs. Don’t leave me alone today.”. This writing was accompanied by a song that said: “Where is justice if the politician fixed it. So that the fire, the flea that bit them, protects him. And the people continue fighting, this cannot be tolerated anymore…”

Elections 2023 in Chaco: what is voted and what other candidates compete for the Governor

In addition to being provincial leader, Chaco will elect this Sunday vice governor, 16 provincial deputies, mayors and councilorswith more than a million people eligible to vote.

In the fight for the governorship, the focus of attention during election day, one of the members will be whether the winning force may or may not avoid the second rounda requirement for which it is necessary to exceed 45% of the votes or obtain 40% and a difference equal to or greater than 10% with the second, the same format as at the national level.

In the primaries, the opposition coalition, with Zdero as the winning candidate in the internal election, achieved 42.4% of the preferenceswhile the current governor got 37%only five points behind.

In addition to the two main candidates, according to the latest polls, they will also compete for the provincial Executive Gustavo Martinezcurrent mayor of Resistencia, and Juan Carlos Bacileff Ivanoffformer interim governor.

Alfredo Rodriguezfrom La Libertad Avanza, Rubén Galassifrom Libertarians in Action, and Cesar Baezfrom the Partido Obrero, will be the other gubernatorial candidates that Chaco residents will find in the dark room this Sunday.

2023 elections in Chaco: where to vote

This Sunday, September 17, the 2023 elections in Chaco. More than a million Chacoños will have to go to the polls to elect the next governor.

Chaco will also vote for provincial deputies and different mayors. The elections in the capital Resistencia will only take place on November 5.

The definitive registry It can be checked on the official website of the Electoral Tribunal from the province of Chaco. There the voter must enter his or her number document, genre, district where you vote and enter a verification code.

You can consult the register here: padron.electoralchaco.gob.ar/consulta

#voters #voted #expectation #result



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