Javier Milei’s new spot against the “impoverishing model”

2023-09-17 18:09:49

After his victory in the Primary, Open, Simultaneous and Mandatory (PASO) elections, the presidential candidate of La Libertad Avanza, Javier Milei, launched his first campaign spot ahead of the general elections in October. In the piece, the deputy He once once more attacked the political caste and the “impoverishing model”. “Making a different Argentina is impossible with the same old people,” he stated.

In the almost one-minute video, which makes no mention of his rivals at the polls, the libertarian He was shown with his formula mate, Victoria Villarruel. In this way, the three main presidential candidates have already launched their spots corresponding to 35 days before the October general elections.

Survey: in a scenario of “uncertainty”, Milei leads the voting intention and surpasses Massa by 4 points

In the audiovisual piece of La Libertad Avanza, both leaders expressed the need to carry out a “root change” and put “a full stop.” “We Argentines need a fundamental change. For decades we have had an impoverishing country model where the only ones who do well are the politicians“, asserted Milei at the beginning of the spot.

For her part, the candidate for vice president referred to the economic crisis and insecurity that Argentina is going through. “An impossible Argentina. Impossible to work. Impossible to make ends meet. Impossible to progress. Impossible to go outside“, listed the national representative.

Regarding the general elections, the presidential candidate considered that it is an “opportunity to put an end to it.” “Today we have the opportunity to begin to rebuild a different Argentina, prosperous, without inflation, free, thriving and safe,” Milei commented. “Where we recover the hope and pride of being Argentine,” continued his running mate.

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“We Argentines have already realized that It is impossible to make a new Argentina with the same old ones. Let’s put a full stop,” the libertarian concluded. In the publication that accompanies the video, Milei returned to this idea and wrote: “A different Argentina is impossible with the same old ones. If we continue doing the same things we did 100 years ago, we cannot expect different results. Let’s put a full stop.”

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