???? Atlas Goundi – Definition and Explanations

2023-09-17 16:37:27


Goundi of the Atlas Classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Sub-embr. Vertebrata Class Mammalia Subclass Theria Infra-class Eutheria Order Rodentia Suborder Sciuravida Family Ctenodactylidae Genus Ctenodactylus Binomial name (In taxonomy (botany, zoology, etc.), the binomial name, or binomial, comes from…) Ctenodactylus gundi
(?Rothmann, 1776) IUCN conservation status:

LC: Minor concern

The Atlas gundi (Ctenodactylus gundi) is a species (In the life sciences, the species (from the Latin species, “type”…) of rodent which occupies the rocky environments bordering the desert (The word desert designates today a sterile area or not very conducive to…) from the Sahara to the north, from Libya to Morocco.

The species is diurnal and herbivorous (A herbivore is, in the field of zoology, an animal (mammal, insect, fish, etc.).

Gestation: 73 days (The day is the interval between sunrise and sunset; it is the…) (1 to 3 young per litter).

The Toxoplasma gondii parasite responsible for toxoplasmosis was first described in 1908 at the Pasteur Institute (The Pasteur Institute is a private non-profit French foundation which…) of Tunis by two French doctors, Charles Nicolle (Charles Jules Henri Nicolle, born September 21, 1866 in Rouen and died on…) and Louis Herbert Manceaux, following an epidemic affected Ctenodactylus gundi. They isolated an arcuate protozoan which they named Toxoplasma Gondii, toxoplasma coming from the Greek words toxon (arc) and plasma (form). Subsequently, this parasite will be isolated from many other animal species.

Two Atlas gounds at the Wilhelma Zoo in Stuttgart.

#Atlas #Goundi #Definition #Explanations



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