2023-09-17 15:23:02
He Municipality of Cipolletti issued the official bulletin with a new ordinance that will force state employees to undergo toxicological tests. As explained, it is a protocol to prevent the consumption of substances that alter the conscious states of workers in the workplace. The tests will be carried out randomly, suspensions and even dismissal are expected in case of positive results.
The ordinance published in the Official Gazette establishes that state employees are prohibited from consuming alcoholic beverages or narcotics during the performance of their work duties. The objective is to detect public agents with addiction problems and assist them in treatment, as explained by the Deliberative Council.
He protocol to act before this ordinance establishes the performance of mandatory toxicological tests for municipal workers. Samples will be taken by lottery using file number, and at workplaces. Testing is also contemplated for workers with signs of intoxication or when signs of problematic consumption are detected.
«In case of a positive result, The agent will be immediately suspended preventively and will be summoned by the Occupational Medicine Area for evaluation and referral for respective treatment and follow-up., in case of addiction to the aforementioned substances. The treatment must be carried out in the ways and times established by the professionals,” the ordinance says.
In the case of those who perform tasks such as drivers and machinery operators, they will not be able to resume their jobs until they complete treatment and eliminate any trace of alcohol or drug intoxication.
In the case of alcohol consumption, if a positive result is obtained, employees will be referred to the GIA Municipal Alcoholism Program. Employees who relapse or abandon treatment will be punished with days of suspension, or even dismissal.
Municipal employees of Cipolletti must pass a toxicological examination: What will the protocol be like?
As explained in the new ordinance, the protocol will be carried out by a team called Boarding Unit. This group will be made up of professionals from the area of occupational medicine, the municipal alcoholism program GIA, the department of safety and hygiene, human resources and state unions.
“There must be an exclusive policy on alcohol and other drugs, the policy will be published in all establishments, and the different hierarchical positions will be informed, through talks, of the objective, scope and methodology for the implementation of the protocols,” it states. the ordinance. It also clarifies that there must be a commitment between the mayor, officials, employees and councilors.
The tests will be carried out randomly through a draw in the caseor toxicological tests. In addition, breath tests will be done to detect alcohol in the blood.
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