My child cannot get back to school: what should I do?

2023-09-16 18:25:00

It’s been several weeks since school started once more, yet your children are unable to get back into school. In the morning, they struggle to get out of bed; following class, they can’t concentrate on doing their homework and, in the evening, they drag themselves to bed. It must be said that for two months, they were able to benefit from a cooler schedule. It’s not easy to shake up their habits… To try to help you overcome your children’s lack of motivation, we looked at the forums intended for parents and selected three tested and approved tips. Follow the leader !

Prepare stimulating meals

Children need a balanced diet to grow without deficiencies, have normal psychomotor development and adopt good eating habits. Also, it is important to offer them meals at regular times, meals composed of fruits and vegetables, whole grain products and protein foods. Said like that, it lacks a bit of fantasy, don’t you think? In any case, this is what your children may feel and if you are looking to re-motivate them it can also be through their plate. First of all, try to offer as many fruits as possible as a snack to encourage slow sugars and ensure that they are not too tired when they return to school. In this same state of mind, you can also bet on a savory breakfast. Finally, let your creativity shine during lunch to make them want to eat at school. Toasts cut into various shapes, cartons of compote, brightly colored fruit juices… You can put things in a toast box!

Stimulate their free time

What can be more complicated for children following the summer is doing their homework following having already spent the day at school… Also, to make the transition more easily, some parents rely on school outings. outside before returning home. Head to the park, the woods or the playground to let the children let off some steam and spend some special time with them. If the weather doesn’t allow you to stay outside, let them relax for a few moments at home but, above all, ban screens. This risks tiring them out a little more and we must not forget that homework still needs to be done. On this subject, we advise you to establish a maximum time dedicated to this difficult task. A fairly short time frame, to allow them to be completely focused. You can also opt for a timer, a way to stimulate them and make them perceive homework as a challenge, before they can calmly go regarding their business.

Put them to bed earlier

Falling asleep following going to bed quite late during the summer can be very difficult for children. As a result, they join Morpheus’ arms later than expected and are tired the next day in class… Also, we advise you to put them to bed a little earlier than usual. This way, it gives them time to get some sleep, read if they want, have one more cuddle with mom and dad or go to the bathroom one last time. Obviously, this trick is much less effective when they are able to tell the time; they will no longer be fooled!

#child #school

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