FPÖ – Wurm: Government continues to do nothing about enormous food prices | Freedom Parliamentary Club

2023-09-16 13:15:12

Online price comparison portals are discriminatory – FPÖ calls for a reduction or elimination of VAT on basic foodstuffs and hygiene products

Vienna (OTS) In a recent interview, ÖVP Economics Minister Kocher announced a draft law to combat high food prices. The liberal consumer spokesman NAbg. Peter Wurm today renewed the call for a reduction in VAT or even the elimination of VAT on basic foodstuffs and hygiene products: “Instead of fighting high food prices, this government continues to only fight its own population. Austrians don’t need platforms to know that it’s difficult for them to afford their food anymore. They feel this every day in the supermarket anyway. Comparison portals are also discriminatory because not every Austrian has access to them. Quick measures are finally needed. Croatia has already taken a concrete relief measure by capping basic foods, while the ÖVP and the Greens continue to look for excuses as to why it doesn’t work. The result of this blockade: the state coffers are flooded with record tax revenues while the population is starving.”

“ÖVP-Kocher is now shifting the responsibility to finally do something regarding the high prices onto private platforms. Older people and anyone who doesn’t want to or can’t compare prices on the internet for three hours every day are particularly left behind. This is not only discriminatory, but once once more proof that this government is unable and unwilling. The announcements from the ÖVP and the Greens turn out to be a pure PR show, as there are still no effective measures to relieve the burden on Austrians plagued by high prices. A mockery of the increasing number of Austrians who no longer know how to cover their basic needs,” said the liberal consumer protection spokesman, disappointed.

Since the “summit” on food prices in May 2023, nothing has happened to bring the prices of basic food and hygiene products under control in any way. FPÖ NAbg. Peter Wurm: “That shows how much this government doesn’t care regarding the people in our country and goes in the direction of mocking its own population.”

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press-parliamentary club@fpoe.at

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