Explore Brussels’ Heritage Days: Art Nouveau, Cultural Events, and Guided Tours

2023-09-16 13:39:43

Heritage Days, or Heritage Days, take place this Saturday and Sunday in Brussels. This 35th edition will offer visitors the opportunity to broaden their vision of Art Nouveau through guided tours and cultural events.

What are the origins and particularities of its materials? What are the challenges encountered for its implementation but also for its conservation? Who are the actors who contributed to its existence? How were these places occupied and furnished? Do they influence the way we live in the city today? These are some of the themes covered under the credits “Art nouveau, art for all?“.

The public is invited to (re)discover numerous monuments and museums in the capital. A leaflet summarizing the program is available in many places (urban.brussels, Halles Saint-Géry, LAB·An x Hôtel Van Eetvelde, municipalities, tourist offices, libraries and participating places).

The complete program can be consulted on the website heritagedays.urban.brussels, which also allows you to register your reservations. Many activities are already sold out. In Wallonia where the Heritage Days took place last weekend, we noted a “great and great success” for the event.

#Brussels #Art #Nouveau #spotlight #Heritage #Days #weekend

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