Princess Elisabeth: Her Journey to Becoming Queen and the Search for Prince Charming

2023-09-16 04:30:00

Our Flemish colleagues from Het Laatste Nieuws are devoting a series to the princesses who will be queens tomorrow. The first part is devoted to Elisabeth. With this element that stands out: our future Queen seems to have difficulty finding the right shoe for her. And at 21, still no Prince Charming in sight.

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To understand why, we need to go back a few years. And watch how his image was shaped little by little.

It was in 2019 that Princess Elisabeth really came to light, when she made her first official work trip, to Kenya. A surprise participation, where Belgium then discovered her: “At the start of this trip, I remember that she was very shy, hiding a little behind Queen Mathilde,” explains Wim Dehandschutter, royalty expert at HLN.

A princess who initially observes her mother, to better reproduce and acquire the codes of the Monarchy: in Kenya, “Queen Mathilde sat among the children and spoke to them. Elisabeth then sat down and started to play a little with the children,” reports Eva Peeters, journalist at VTM.

Little by little, the princess gains confidence in herself, assured by her almost perfect mastery of Dutch, shaped by her education received at the Dutch-speaking institution Saint-Jean-Berchmans in Brussels.

Read also “Princess Elisabeth is our pearl in a case”

We then see her assert herself, particularly during her year of training at the Royal Military Academy. “We really liked seeing Elisabeth in evening wear in a red dress, very chic, and the next day seeing her crawling in the mud in the army. The fact that she can do both very well is really a plus,” observes Sam Hoevenaar, journalist specializing in royalty.

High standards are Princess Elisabeth’s main quality. At school, “she was not satisfied with 6 out of 10 even though she knew she might get 8,” notes Wim Dehandschutter. Demanding, will she also be so in love?

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Love life

We know that the princess has a busy life and that she devotes a lot of time to her studies, which she follows at an elite school in the United Kingdom. Does she even have time to look for a boyfriend? Almost nothing is known regarding Princess Elisabeth’s love life. Apart from a potential adventure with a Belgian nobleman, a certain Alexandre, it’s dead calm. For a future queen, finding the ideal partner is not easy. Especially since the lucky person will have to meet several obligations: “Where does it come from? Is he intelligent enough? And reliable? This person will be subject to careful examination,” notes Jo De Poorter, expert on the royal family, at HLN. The future Prince Charming will be observed under the magnifying glass. And he had better do it flawlessly. What dampens the ardor of some?

Another explanation according to specialists: this man must be “able to stand at her side but also behind her”, testifies Wim Dehandschutter. A very demanding additional criterion since it is Elisabeth, and not her future husband, who will constantly be the center of attention.

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Especially since the princess must also be able to find someone “who she likes”, explains the same specialist. Yes, it counts! An equation which for the moment seems full of unknowns… One thing is certain for Jo De Poorter: “Elisabeth is the perfect model to be queen”.

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