Advancing Animal Welfare and Transparency: An Interview with Dorelia Zapata Vásquez, Envigado Council Candidate

2023-09-16 01:44:51

We spoke with Dorelia Katerine Zapata Vásquez, #6 for the Green Alliance Party to the Envigado Council. We talked regarding her vision for her city and her reflections on her campaign.

Who is Dorelia Zapata Vásquez?

I was born in Envigado 35 years ago, I am a dreamer and leader, I was a young mother, I am married to an entrepreneur who is passionate regarding what he does and for 15 years I have been an activist for animals and nature through education, conviction and love. that I have for all beings and what surrounds me, my favorite phrase “Be the change you want to see in the world” by Mahatma Gandhi.

I am also a Social Worker from the University of Antioquia, Specialist in Environmental Management and Master in Education and Human Rights. I represent the animal movement in the District Council of Peace, Reconciliation and Coexistence of Medellín, I have been a university teacher, I work with children, adolescents and young people in vulnerable conditions. I am currently a candidate for the Envigado Council supported by Animalist Senator Andrea Padilla to continue strengthening what exists and propose new actions that benefit animals, humans and nature.

What do you consider to be the main problem of Envigado?

In Envigado the main problem that citizens mention is security and although it is not my flag, it is also worth considering proposals that protect animals from violence and abuse, that is why I will focus on education in responsible ownership and respect for animals. all forms of life, I want there to be a more accurate identification of the population of domestic animals residing in the municipality and I especially want to take care of the public resources that are intended for animals, among other things.

What do you propose? What do you think can be done in 4 years?

The implementation of the Public Policy on Animal Welfare and Protection of the municipality of Envigado, prepared by the University of Envigado in 2020, is very good, therefore, it must be strengthened with a budget for comprehensive implementation, addressing wildlife emergencies, provide more feeding spaces for pollinators, control the pigeon population and care for them so that they are in good health.

It is urgent to hold adoption sessions in the municipality, the shelter that we Envigadeños finance has approximately 300 animals looking for homes, these places must be temporary, if we decongest the shelter we will be able to give opportunities to new animals in vulnerable conditions. For some it may sound impossible, but the ideal is for this figure to be reduced to zero or for animals to only be present temporarily. Envigado can be a great reference in animal protection and well-being.

We must look for strategies so that there are more adoptions, more preventive veterinary sessions, more education in responsible ownership, complete vaccination for low-income dog and cat owners, reaching all areas of Envigado with a mobile sterilization unit and providing a quick response. to the calls of the citizens.

Finally, I think that it is important to adapt spaces for pets in public places, thinking regarding healthy coexistence, enjoyment, the safety of everyone and the correct disposal of their feces. These are some of my main proposals, they will be topics that I will work these 4 years from political control and the construction of municipal agreements that I hope will be approved in the debates.

Colombia was ranked 91/180 in the Global Corruption Index. What commitments might it make with citizens regarding its public management? Do you propose any measures that guarantee transparency and honesty in your management? How to restore citizens’ trust in administrations?

My vocation is service, I believe in the possibility of creating a different policy, without corruption, machinery or politicking, not everything has been said, I do not believe in the excuse “it has always been done this way.” My reference is Senator Andrea Padilla because she has won 2 popularly elected positions, the Council of Bogotá and the Senate of the Republic, thanks to her experience in the defense of animals and genuine commitment not only to them, but also with the people who have been part of social organizations, who have been rescuers, who have mobilized once morest animal abuse. I will reach the Council running a clean, austere and purposeful campaign.

What is your position with the management of the current Envigado government? (You are for or once morest), Why?

In Envigado you can see many works, there are always improvements, in terms of animal protection and welfare there has been a lot of progress, however, we are always subject to improving, continuing to transform, implementing new strategies. I would love for the next government to put a magnifying glass on social issues, on the needs of many people who may not be as visible because they live in a municipality with such a high quality of life; I want you to continue protecting nature and animals, thinking regarding a possible future for everyone.

Why should they vote for you?

I invite you to vote for animals, for a cause that I carry in my body, in my dreams, in my heart. I am an academically prepared woman, I know and love the municipality in which I was born, grew up and live, Envigado. I have experience and conviction in activism for animals, but I am not unaware that my role in the institutionality would be a little different due to the functions that a Councilor performs, from this corporation or outside it, I will not stop promoting respect and love for animals with different Non-Violent strategies, however, I am sure that from within I will be able to do much more.

Apart from you, what other candidate do you think has a chance of taking office? What would you say?

In Envigado there are many candidates in these territorial elections, unfortunately there are few female candidates compared to the candidates, I hope that we get more women to the Council with proposals, clear causes, experience and training.

What proposal from another candidate has seemed absurd or impossible to fulfill?

In general, the proposals of many candidates are not very visible, I would like to know more regarding them. What I feel is that when a candidate talks regarding many issues at the same time and does not have a clear focus, it will most likely be difficult for him to fulfill everything he promises.

It would be good if popularly elected corporations such as municipal councils and departmental assemblies were made up of representatives of different causes and enriching dialogues might be generated for citizens and the territories they inhabit.

Any additional comments or thoughts you would like to share with our readers?

I invite you to learn more regarding my life story, my proposals and my actions, I am a committed woman, I like to finish what I start and I deeply love working for animals and nature, although I also care regarding humans and collective well-being, for the above #mivotoesporlosanimales and I hope yours is too, I will be your voice in the Envigado Council.

You can follow me on Instagram as @dorezapata, on Facebook as Dore Zapata Activista or write to me at number 3002033242.

Learn more interviews with candidates here

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