3 Habits to Live Longer and Healthier After 50: Sleep Well, Enjoy Life, and Exercise Regularly

2023-09-16 01:44:47

Besides genetic factors, maintaining positive habits is one of the main factors that help us live longer.

For people, turning 50 means entering a new phase in life. At this stage, the body’s various functions may begin to decline compared to when it was younger, and many diseases are also easy to detect.

It can be said that modern life brings many conveniences, but its side effects cannot be avoided. As our food choices expand, unhealthy foods are becoming more popular.

As we get older, signs of aging begin to appear and our health deteriorates. Medical experts point out that the age following 45 is a dangerous period for health and longevity. When you enter this stage, your body’s metabolism slows down and various diseases appear to be lurking in your body.

However, experts have discovered common characteristics of people who live long lives. It is worth noting that these characteristics can be formed from habits that anyone can do.

Below is “1 delicious person – 2 equal people” that can help extend your lifespan. If you have the following characteristics following age 50, you are a very lucky person.

1. Sleep well

Sleep quality is very important to your health. Studies have shown that people who don’t sleep well often gravitate toward fatty and sugary foods, which leads to weight gain. This not only affects the overall aesthetics, but also has long-term effects on the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems.

Additionally, lack of sleep triggers the production of hormones and may cause DNA damage. These harmful hormones increase the risk of heart disease as well as other health problems such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes.

And studies show that sleep deprivation can cause irreversible damage to the human brain. If we have regular sleep and rest time when we turn 50, we can maintain the normal function of the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems.

Experts mention that we should sleep an average of 6 to 9 hours a day. This is the time threshold that is most beneficial for quality of life and health. Sleeping less or more is not good and can bring more risks to our body.

2. Enjoy it often

Humans perceive objects through five senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste… When stimulation is received from the outside, that sense acts as a filter. At this time, the brain secretes substances called neurotransmitters. The information obtained in this way will be transmitted to the brain network and evoke human emotions.

Negative emotions often arise from many different states, such as anger, irritation, anxiety, and sadness. Generally, they will have a negative impact on people’s physical and mental health. It increases the load on the heart, causes myocardial infarction, increases cortisol, increases the risk of heart disease or cancer.

Conversely, if people are able to maintain emotional stability and have positive emotions such as joy, happiness, and safety, the neurotransmitter will release serotonin. Science has proven that serotonin is a substance that helps us feel happy and relaxed. When your mind is relaxed, your body will also be healthier.

When we are in a positive mood, a hormone called oxytocin is produced. It helps the body improve the immune system and reduce physical fatigue while maintaining a healthy autonomic nervous system.

So when we reach the milestone of 50, if we can maintain a stable mind and limit negative emotions, we will have a chance to live longer and healthier.

3. Exercise regularly

Regardless of gender or age, if we exercise regularly, we will definitely receive significant benefits. Regular exercise can expend excess energy on the body, help control weight, and lower the risk of hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, diabetes and lifestyle diseases. At the same time, it helps maintain muscles, endurance, and normal body functions.

Additionally, people who exercise regularly can protect the normal function of the heart and lungs in a balanced manner. This provides other benefits, including preventing age-related decline in vital function, improving organ function, reducing back and knee pain, improving blood circulation, increasing resistance, and reducing fatigue.

Therefore, everyone, especially those over the age of 50, should increase their exercise. Maintaining regular exercise can help reduce disease, extend life, and improve quality of life.

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