Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu Under Investigation: Report

2023-09-15 07:45:00

BEIJING: Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu, who has not appeared in public for more than two weeks, was previously under investigation, the US said. The Financial Times reported that the US claimed that Shangfu had been relieved of his duties as defense minister.

US Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel wrote on social media X that Chinese President Xi Jinping’s cabinet is reminiscent of Agatha Christie’s novel ‘And Then There Were Nuns’.
President Xi’s cabinet now resembles Agatha Christie’s novel ‘And Then There Were Nanny’.

First, Foreign Minister Chin Gang went missing. Later, the Rocket Force commanders went missing. Now Defense Minister Li Shangfu has not been seen in public for two weeks,’ Emmanuel Xil wrote.
He also asked whether China’s youth or Xi’s cabinet are going to win the unemployment race.

Chin Gang, China’s foreign minister, went missing in July. This is followed by the disappearance of Shangfu.

Two months ago, President Xi Jinping fired two top officials from the People’s Liberation Army Rocket Force, which oversees the country’s nuclear missiles. reported that Vietnamese officials said Li had canceled talks scheduled to take place in Vietnam last week due to health problems.

In 2018, Li, the head of the People’s Liberation Army, was sanctioned by the Trump administration in connection with his arms trade with Russia.

Content Highlight: China’s defence minister, ‘missing’ for over 2 weeks, under investigation: Report

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